3 Questions for the EcoRight

February 2023

What’s the weather like where you live, EcoRighter?

February’s weather has been downright crazy! Headlines for the week of February 20 declared, Winter storm hammers northern U.S. as Southeast anticipates record high temperatures(PBS News Hour). At the same time, another read,Early blooms could face late-March doom if cold returns(The Washington Times) regarding Washington D.C.’s annual tourist revenue-raking cherry blossom trees.

This got us to thinking:

What’s the weather like where you live, EcoRighter?

Please take 30 seconds and answer the 3 quick questions above.

Each month, republicEn asks our members 3 questions to learn about the EcoRight community.

Thanks for your participation!

Winter storm hammers northern U.S. as Southeast anticipates record high temperatures
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