This week’s guest is ecologist Dr. Michael Curran, who owns and operates Abnova Ecological Solutions. A Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP) and Certified Wildlife Biologist (CWB), he received both the top M.S. and top Ph.D. Student Award in the country by the American Society of Reclamation Sciences upon completing his graduate degrees. He developed techniques to improve reclamation & restoration monitoring and also pioneered the use of spatially-explicit dashboards to rapidly report reclamation monitoring results, allowing for informed decision making and easy-to-interpret data. Mike worked with 26 oil & gas companies in reporting reclamation and restoration data to the US Fish & Wildlife Service’s Conservation Efforts Database prior to the 2015 Endangered Species Act listing decision of the Greater sage-grouse and was acknowledged by the USFWS for the importance of his contributions.
He’s here to give us some Reclamation 101 so click below for my conversation with Dr. Mike Curran.