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Climate Week En Review: September 6, 2024

Climate Week En Review: September 6, 2024

Hello from Montana! Okay, mountain west friends, don’t get too excited. I’m just driving through, helping my younger son take his car to school and seeing some sights along the way, for example, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial, and Devil’s Tower! Today we make the trek across Big Sky Country en route to Seattle.

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Climate Week En Review: August 16, 2024

Climate Week En Review: August 16, 2024

Where is the month going? It’s so crazy how January through April, each month felt like a year in and of itself, but since that point, we’ve been on fast forward. The end of summer always feels months away, but in one week, I leave for my annual August trip to Maine, where I hope to get some R&R! And, of course, lobster rolls.

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Climate Week En Review: July 19, 2024

Climate Week En Review: July 19, 2024

Hey, hey, hey… we are MELTING in the DMV this week with multiple days past 100 degrees and nights that aren’t cooling off enough for my taste. It makes one miss the good old days of normal summer, sleeping with the windows open, and yes, I’m of the age that if we were thirsty and playing outside, we drank from the hose.

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