Climate Week En Review: January 12, 2024

Climate Week En Review: January 12, 2024

Hello, 2024. We are back and looking forward to a great year ahead. More podcast episodes (season eight drop date TBD but you won’t have to wait too long) and more on-the-road events with our executive director, Bob Inglis. What might Congress do on carbon...
EcoRight Speaks, Season 7 Wrap Up

EcoRight Speaks, Season 7 Wrap Up

EcoRight Speaks: Season Seven Wrap Up With this episode, season seven is in the books! What a great 18 episodes we were able to share with you this time around. In our traditional manner, we have summed up some of our favorites in this recap episode. As always, we...
Climate Week En Review: December 15, 2023

Climate Week En Review: December 15, 2023

And just like that, December is practically over. My birthday is Sunday and the rest of the year will zoom by probably before the cake is gone. Programming note: this is the last *regular* Week En Review of 2023 but stay tuned on December 20th for our 12 Months of...
Farmers Crucial In Shaping U.S. Climate Policy

Farmers Crucial In Shaping U.S. Climate Policy

Advancing a carbon tax for more than a decade, from rotary club meetings to college classrooms and myriad conferences in between, I thought I’d heard every question possible related to the revenue-neutral, border-adjustable fee on carbon pollution most economists...
Climate Week En Review: December 8, 2023

Climate Week En Review: December 8, 2023

Hello, welcome back! We are counting down the greatest hits here and are so glad you tuned in to see what the EcoRight has cooking this week. This week’s must read: Republicans, it’s time to assert leadership on environmental issues (Fort Myers News Press)...