
Hey! Guess what? I’m a published author!

It’s been a great launch week for Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics. I’ve interviewed for some podcasts (you know I’ll share them once they are live), appeared at two bookstore events, we had a well-attended podcast (recording below) and readers are raving!

This week’s must read: GLACIAL, of course! You can get it from Amazon (when you’re there, consider giving my author page a follow) or your independent book seller. If you don’t have one, you can use MY independent book seller!

Thank you for your support! If your bookclub reads it, I’m happy to Zoom in for the discussion! If you want a bookplate personalized autograph, hit me up!

ICYMI: A glacially fun webinar

Did you miss us on Wednesday, August 7th? Even if you did, you can still tune in for the riveting conversation about the history of the politics of climate change.

Even my dad attended!

You can watch for yourself here. I hope you enjoy the short reading I did from the pages of Glacial!

And below is a photo from my book launch event hosted by East City Bookshop and held at Hill Center DC, moderated by our own Bob Inglis!

u.s. capitol

Don’t repeal IRA

Eighteen GOP lawmakers in the House, led by Congressman Andrew Garbarino, wrote a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson asking him not to repeal the Inflaction Reduction Act of 2022.

“Prematurely repealing energy tax credits, particularly those which were used to justify investments that already broke ground, would undermine private investments and stop development that is already ongoing,” the lawmakers said in the letter. “A full repeal would create a worst-case scenario where we would have spent billions of taxpayer dollars and received next to nothing in return.”

A recent analysis found that of approximately $123 billion in clean energy spending from the bill, $105 billion was directed to projects in Republican districts.

u.s. capitol

ICYMI: Our latest poll

This month, we asked our membership, “Do you see natural gas playing a role in a clean energy future for the United States?” 69% of Right-leaning pollees, 45% of Center-leaning pollees, and 22% of Left-leaning pollees answered, “Yes, as a bridge fuel during the transition to renewables.”

Here is the link to our (your) results.

This week’s (shorter) must read: Incentivizing Innovation: The Key To Solving Our Climate Crisis (Real Clear Energy)

You know it would not be Week En Review without an op-ed from our regular contributor, Mary Anna Mancuso. Here she is with a suggestion for incentivizing innovation.

“Moore’s Law, named after Intel co-founder Gordon Moore, observes that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years, while the cost halves. This principle has led to exponential growth in computing power and efficiency. While Moore’s Law specifically applies to computer hardware, its underlying concept of rapid, exponential improvement can be extended to other technological domains, including clean energy and climate solutions,” she writes. “By creating a climate initiative, such as a price on carbon, which incentivizes  private companies to innovate at an unprecedented pace, breakthroughs are possible in areas such as advanced solar and wind technologies, next-generation energy storage solutions, carbon capture and sequestration technologies, sustainable transportation and infrastructure, and climate-resilient agriculture and food production.”

On that note, have a great weekend reading my book!