Hello, welcome back! We are counting down the greatest hits here and are so glad you tuned in to see what the EcoRight has cooking this week.
This week’s must read: Republicans, it’s time to assert leadership on environmental issues (Fort Myers News Press) Ian Lares-Chacin, chairman of the statewide Florida Federation of College Republicans and someone we need to get to know, wrote this piece in which he notes that the “GOP risks losing a generation of voters by not advancing an adequate environmental agenda. On Republican campaign trails statewide, I have witnessed countless times how young people won’t even consider GOP candidates due to the perceived mainstream party position” on climate change. “Not only are young voters, including Republicans, much more likely to prioritize climate, but majorities of independent, moderate or even left-leaning voters would actually consider voting for a Republican if the candidate moved up climate among their priorities.”

EcoRight Speaks, Season 7, Episode 17: Politico climate reporter Zack Colman
We felt honored to get a bit of time from Politico’s Zack Colman to hear what he’s looking for at the international climate conference—COP28—currently ongoing in Dubai, UAE. Whether you’re following the developments day by day or want to hear the top issues, tune in for Zack’s preview.
Coming up next… it’s time for our season-end wrap up where we take our favorite clips on the season and reflect on such an amazing roster of guests!
The MARKET CHOICE Act is back
Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01) is back at it with his carbon pricing bill. the MARKET CHOICE Act. Joined by his colleague, Rep. Salud Carbajal (D-CA-24) their bill would eliminate the gas tax in exchange for implementing a price on carbon emissions, with proceeds from the tax making critical investments in American infrastructure.
The EcoRight reaction:
“We applaud Congressman Fitzpatrick for his continued commitment to advancing smart and effective climate solutions. A price on carbon is the most powerful and fiscally-responsible tool we have to unleash the innovative power of the U.S. economy, promote clean energy and create jobs, and hold foreign polluters accountable,” said George Behrakis, President, Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends. “With this legislation, Congressman Fitzpatrick demonstrates that good climate policy can be firmly in line with conservative values.”
“It’s time for the U.S. to seriously consider a carbon tax. It’s the only policy that addresses two of our country’s most pressing problems: climate change and fiscal instability,” said Alex Flint, Executive Director, Alliance for Market Solutions. “We commend Congressman Fitzpatrick for always beating this drum.”
“The Market Choice Act is a conservative market-based approach that cuts carbon pollution responsible for climate-fueled weather extremes and advances fairness in our energy system. For far too long, energy markets in the United States have privatized the profits and placed the detrimental health and environmental costs of carbon pollution at the foot of American families,” said The Rev. Dr. Jessica Moerman, President and CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network.

The readers have spoken
Results are in from Angela’s recent poll. ICYMI, you can check out the full report—including commentary from poll takers—on our website by clicking here. Thanks for sharing your voice with us! And thanks to Angela for always coming up with probing questions!
And with that, I will leave you to your weekend!