TGIF! And we are entering a long weekend, at that. Work hard. Play hard. Rest hard. (But no breaks or fun for me now that I have basically five weeks left to finish my manuscript… wish me luck!)
This week’s must read: Two former GOP Congressmen (and past guests of the EcoRight Speaks) teamed up to write How to Make Climate Change a Bipartisan Priority, published in Politico. Former Reps. Ryan Costello and Francis Rooney write: “Relying exclusively on Democrats for continued climate progress would be a strategic blunder. Bipartisanship is the only assured path to decarbonizing at scale and speed.”
And they a describe a situation that we fully understand: “The small assemblage of organizations that make up the “eco-right,” while growing, receive only a fraction of the funding that left-of-center groups do. If environmental leaders are genuinely committed to emboldening bipartisan action in support of increasingly ambitious policy, this must change. Far more resources need to be invested in building the kind of infrastructure that can rally conservatives to climate action.”
Be sure to check out their full essay.

Welcome back, listeners! This week, we feature a long time friend of the show and the EcoRight, Catrina Rorke.
Catrina is the senior vice president for policy at the Climate Leadership Council, where she also serves as the executive director of the Center for Climate and Trade. Last year, she came on the show to talk about the benefits of a carbon border adjustment, specifically on U.S. steel. She’s back to talk about some recent findings, including her most recent report, Embodied Carbon in Trade: the Carbon Loophole.
Our conversation is linked below!
Coming up next week, my conversation with Chris Neidl from the Open Air Collective.
LTE of the week: In the Deseret News, a reader defends carbon pricing, noting that “a carbon price would put innovators and entrepreneurs in the driver’s seat of lowering emissions. By swapping regulations for a low price on carbon pollution, we would give companies an incentive to innovate lower-emitting ways to produce the same goods. This flexible approach costs less (for businesses and taxpayers), and it would cut emissions by spurring innovation in ways EPA regulators never could.”

Online climate course:
This spring Houghton College will be offering a FREE 8-week online course
And that’s it for me! Have fun on my behalf this weekend! Cheers!