As you read this, I’m touring a college campus with my first born, who is 100 percent going to leave me in the fall. Hold on, I have something in my eye…??

?Utah College Republicans, activate: Representatives from the College Republican clubs at Brigham Young University, Utah State University, Weber State, Southern Utah University and the Utah Federation of College Republicans wrote a joint opinion piece for the Salt Lake Tribune urging the GOP to adopt a national climate strategy. “College Republican chapters across the country are on the frontlines of recruiting the next generation of conservatives, and we see how the party’s record on climate has become a challenge on campus. National polling confirms this shift. Nearly 70% of GOP voters under 40 are concerned that the party’s stance on climate change is hurting its image with younger voters, a recent Luntz Group poll found. Unless there’s a course correction, this spells trouble for the GOP,” write Hunter Thomas, Augusta Scott, Grayson Massey, Abe Vazquez, and Madison Hufford. “As this momentum suggests, there’s real appetite among leading Republicans and the GOP’s youth wing to show leadership on climate. The party of free markets and limited government has an important role to play in the climate conversation.”

This is the future generation of conservative leaders and we’re here for it.

??Join our webinar, Living with Wildfire in the Era of Climate Change: Recent wildfire disasters in Australia, the U.S., Canada, and globally highlight how human-caused climate change is fundamentally altering our ability to live with wildfire. While the problem can seem insurmountable, mitigation of the negative effects of wildfire is already occurring successfully across the United States. Listen to speakers Dr. Crystal Kolden, an Associate Professor of Pyrogeography at the University of Idaho and a former wildland firefighter for the US Forest Service in California and Australian communications expert Tom Burmester for a discussion on community solutions.

  • Date: February 26, 2020
  • Time: 3:00-4:00ET
  • Cost: FREE (but space limited)

??This week’s must listen: In this longer listen (49 minutes total) young conservatives from Indiana talk about Republicans coming to the table on climate change. Featuring Isaiah Mears, Chairman, Indiana Federation of College Republicans; Jesse Kharbanda, Executive Director, Hoosier Environmental Council; Mike Ochs, Mayor of North Vernon, Indiana; and Andy Downs, Director, Mike Downs Center for Indiana Politics, the discussion centers around the relationship the Republican Party has had with environmental issues. About Senator Mike Braun, “he’s tipping the scales in the right direction and we’re following his lead,” they say.

Note: Utah + Indiana = EcoRight doing things.

??Help wanted: Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions is hiring a new VP of Government Relations! We love these guys! Qualified? Go work for them!

Short but sweet this week. With your extra time, take a walk outside. Notice something beautiful. Give a stranger a compliment. There are many ways we can make the world a better place. Over and out.