
Bye, June. Each day is getting shorter as we march to autumn (or so I keep telling myself). Still, it’s hard to believe next week is the Fourth of July! And since the team is taking both the holiday on Thursday and Friday off, you can look for Week En Review to hit your inboxes on Wednesday! Happy birthday, America!

This week’s must read: The Next Congressional Climate Fight Is Already Brewing (Justin Worland, TIME Magazine)

In this article, Worland explores legislative options for next year, including use of a carbon tax to offset extensions of tax cuts.

“A carbon tax has long enjoyed some bipartisan support—even if Republican backers have by and large remained reticent to talk about it publicly. Now, some climate advocates see a grand bargain where a carbon tax could help pay for a continuation of tax cuts and efforts to reduce the deficit,” he writes. “Even without a carbon tax, which admittedly faces very difficult politics, discussions have heated up about bipartisan support for a border adjustment mechanism that would impose a carbon fee on imports. The climate element helps draw Democratic support, but members of Congress across the aisle like that it would punish imports from China while favoring partners like the European Union. At the same time, it would help raise revenue to fund other priorities.”

The EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 16: Regenerative Ocean Farmer Bren Smith

What a fun episode to round out our slate of guests this season.

Bren Smith is a former fisherman, the co-founder of the non-profit GreenWave, which trains and supports ocean farmers in the era of climate change, working with coastal communities around the world to create a blue economy – built and led by farmers. He’s also the author of the book Eat Like a Fish: My Adventure as a Fisherman Turned Ocean Farmer. Calling his book “salty,” he recommends this is not a book for young ears. 

We talk about the importance of the ocean and of thoughtful job transitions that take the local economy and culture into account.

This is our last regular season guest! Tune in for next week’s season wrap, the Best of Season Eight! And don’t forget to send me your suggestions for next season’s guest roster!

Rep. John Curtis wins primary

Utah Rep. John Curtis, founder of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, handily won his primary this week in pursuit of the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by retiring Senator Mitt Romney.

“Representative Curtis’s primary victory is not only a win for our shared conservative values, but is also a major step forward in conservative environmental thought leadership,” said Danielle Butcher Franz, CEO of ACC Action. “We’re fortunate to have a strong ally like Representative Curtis in Congress, and we’re excited to continue working with him in the Senate to make America the most prosperous and cleanest country in the world.” The organization bought digital ads, door knocked, and sent a mailer on the Congressman’s behalf.

Will he found the Senate companion to his House caucus? Only time will tell.

Spotted (in person) in Indiana…

Bob Inglis was in Indiana this week, speaking at the IN-Climate Summit hosted by the smart and savvy friend of the EcoRight, Sarah Beth Aubrey. While in the Hoosier state, he caught up with old friends Kacey Crane and the former Mayor of Carmel, Jim Brainard.

Spotted (in print) in Texas…

The conservative case for clean energy and climate security in Texas (Austin American-Statesman) an opinion piece written by our friend and EcoRight Leadership Council member Larry Linenschmidt.

“While climate change is a complex issue, understanding it comes down to the basic principle that greenhouse gas emissions released by human activity are the primary cause of global warming that’s leading to climate change,” he writes. “The data supporting this is decidedly not partisan—over two-thirds of Republicans agree—and has been on scientists’ radar for many years. It is time for us to apply 21st century-solutions to this growing problem that threatens communities across Texas and the country.”

Climate change impacts hitting your wallet

I hadn’t seen that the price of olive oil had skyrocketed due to a loss of olive crops in Europe due to a climate change induced drought until I read this Washington Post article exploring a recent report on  how climate change is increasing the cost of goods.

“Of all the goods that could be affected by climate-driven price spikes, food is among the most vulnerable,” one of the report authors noted. And if the price of olive oil doesn’t move you, the threat drought poses to maritime passage of goods through the Panama Canal should. (That’s the cliff-hanger to push you to the article.)

Bye friends.  See you next Wednesday!