????Hello, friends! Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms. I’m looking forward to my kids making all three meals on Sunday! (There’s even been whispering about breakfast in bed.) Will be sure to report back how that all went…

It was a slow news week for the EcoRight, but I found these gems to share.

EcoRight Speaks: We love this series, with the latest featuring one our most active members, Larry Howe.

This week’s must read: Rep. John Curtis tells air pollution town hall politics get in the way of talking about climate change (Deseret News) “We have got to do this. We have to stop being so afraid of this conversation,” Rep. Curtis said at a virtual town hall meeting sponsored by the Wasatch Back Chapter of the Citizens Climate Lobby. “I don’t know why we are so afraid of it. We run and hide when someone says climate change. … We have good answers that can be bipartisan.” According to the article, which you should read, the event also featured three mayors and a BYU economics professor.

“I am passionate about the fact that we have to show some leadership on this,” Curtis said of GOP engagement.

Big news from the OG EcoRighter: We are both happy and sad to announce that our dear Alex Bozmoski (aka EcoRight Mustache), who co-founded republicEn.org with Bob Inglis in 2012 will transition to a new role as Vice President for Programs with DEPLOY/US.

EcoRight star Alex Bozmoski

“Alex is a force of nature,” Bob noted. (Don’t we know it…) “If there’s anyone who can build the infrastructure and resources to scale the EcoRight–a term he coined–it’s Alex. We at republicEn.org are certain of his success as he takes on this important new role on behalf of us and all our compatriots.” DEPLOY/US is a nonpartisan nonprofit working to amplify and accelerate right-of-center climate leadership as an essential foundation for bipartisan policy. DEPLOY/US, at which former Congressman Carlos Curbelo is Senior Advisor, supports a wide array of climate-forward nonprofits with under-represented environmental constituencies, including military, faith, business and right-of-center communities.

Alex starts his new job on June 1st, so we will be getting all our time in with him that we can before he goes. Of course, he will continue indefinitely to advise and assist the EcoRight.

Congrats, Alex! ??

Help wanted: Our friends at Young Conservatives for Carbon Dividends are looking for a Managing Director. If you or someone you know is interested in joining this EcoRight team, we encourage you to apply!

Spotlight on Spokespeople: When I said that news was slow this week, I had a moment where I wondered what I was going to put in today’s message. Big shout out to Wen Lee who had the idea that I reach out to the Spokesperson Team to see how people are coping through these times and finding ways to entertain themselves these days. I asked them about their best meal, favorite book/movie/TV binge, where they will go when travel restrictions are lifted, and anything else they’re doing to get through the days.

Tyler Gillette reported back that the best meal he’s had is “steak, potatoes, and corn on cob” (is it corn season in Ohio?) while Cindy Burbank raved about Burst Cherry Tomato Pasta. The recipe that I might have to try this weekend—I looked and I actually have the ingredients—came from John Sweeney: Short Rib Tagliatelle.

As for where they will go when stay-at-home orders are lifted, the answers varied from the barber to visiting family to “Savannah, sweet Savannah.”

Cindy recommends you all read Pale Rider: the Spanish Flu of 1918 and How it Changed the World and Tyler is all about the Walking Dead. Mary Ann Mancuso adds that Ozark is a must watch.

John, who became a first-time dad this week—time out for a big EcoRight congrats to him and his wife and a welcome to the newest EcoRight baby—also shared this wisdom. “I try to see this as a major test for all of us on who we want to be – both individually and collectively. We all get caught up in our routines, so much so that it can be easy to go through life simply repeating the motions. This forced “time-out” is an opportunity to reflect and take stock of what’s really important in our lives, and maybe ask ourselves some tough questions. Were you happy with your daily routine? Were you spending your time wisely? Did you like the people around you? What would you like to change when things go back to normal? If we use this time as an opportunity to make some changes in our lives for the better, one day we might look back on COVID-19 as the starting point for our new beginning.”

Food for thought, both figurative and literal.

As always, don’t hesitate to share your news and reflections… but just a note to those who lately have been sharing your technologies. I applaud all innovation, but promoting a certain technology or invention is not what we do! We believe in pricing carbon to unleash the ingenuity we know can reduce emissions and letting the market sort out what options are most efficient and cost effective.

Until next time!