
Happy November! Well, the year is basically over now… Nights will start coming sooner. Thanksgiving is in less than three weeks. I saw a funny meme that said “I’ll get back to you after the holidays season has begun” and I feel that deeply!

There was some exciting news this week so be sure to read on!

Carbon border fee bill introduced in the U.S. Senate:

Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana, joined by fellow Republicans Lindsey Graham from South Carolina and Roger Wicker from Mississippi, introduced the Foreign Pollution Fee Act of 2023. The Cassidy bill would try to hold higher carbon emitting countries accountable and shrink the carbon loophole by imposing a fee on products imported from high greenhouse gas-emitting countries. Such policy would help protect carbon efficient U.S. manufacturers hurt by competition from China and other countries with less stringent environmental standards.

Calling his bill “Republican climate policy,” Senator Cassidy explained that “with the foreign pollution fee, we’re attempting to level the playing field to say, ‘OK, China, if you choose not to enforce environmental regulations, we’re going to levy a fee to compensate our country.’”  

“We’re trying to reward American businesses who are doing environmentally sound business practices, and we’re gonna hold accountable those countries who do it the cheap and lazy way,” said Senator Graham. “One of the missing ingredients to the climate change debate is how do you force China and India to play better? This is one way to do it.”

This week’s related must read: Republican climate bill looks to spark carbon tariff talks (E&E News) If you want to read more on this exciting development, check out past podcast guest Emma Dumain’s coverage.

The EcoRight Speaks, Season 7, Episode 12: University of Idaho ag economics grad student Colby Field

This week’s guest comes to us via one of Bob Inglis’s speaking events in Moscow, Idaho. Colby Field is a master’s degree student at the University of Idaho studying agriculture economics and as you will hear in the show, Bob was really struck by Colby and his questions about the inclusion and consideration of the agricultural sector in climate solutions.

Colby brings a lot of personal and family experience to the table and was a pleasure to talk to. I look forward to you hearing his perspectives on the climate challenges and opportunities for the ag sector.

Coming up next week, my conversation with Roderick Scott, Certified Floodplain Manager and board chair of the Flood Mitigation Industry Association.

We are marching toward the end of the season… what guests are you hoping to hear from between now and December? What episodes have been your favorite? Let us know!

WEBINAR: Are you ready to be in the driver’s seat?

We have an exciting upcoming webinar that we hope you’ll participate in! Join us Wednesday, November 15, 2023 for an interactive session with Andrew Jones, co-founder and executive director of Climate Interactive. (aHe’s a past EcoRight Speaks podcast guest, too.) We’ll use the En-ROADS global climate simulator, built by Climate Interactive and MIT, to test a wide range of climate solutions, from clean energy to nature-based solutions, electrification, and a carbon tax.

Title: *WEBINAR* Driving Climate Action: The En-ROADS Simulation Experience

When: November 15, 2023 @ 12pm ET, 11am CT, 10am MT, 9am PT

Where: Virtual (You’ll receive a Zoom link upon registering)

Register here!


Thank you for your kind thoughts last week! I’m spending a quick weekend in Maine with my people. See you next Friday!