
Hello from Galveston, Texas! As you’re receiving this, I likely just landed and am on my way to the Citizens Climate Lobby Third Coast Regional Conference! It is my first time in Galveston and my first CCL conference. You know you’ll hear all about it next week.

EcoRight Speaks, Season 9, Episode 7: Heather Reams rings in National Clean Energy Week

We released the podcast to you a day early this week to honor the opening of this 8th annual event highlighting the benefits and promise of clean energy and those who champion it on Capitol Hill.

Heather Reams is the President of Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES), a right-of-center non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C. that engages policymakers and the public about responsible, conservative solutions to address our nation’s energy, economic, and environmental security while increasing America’s competitive edge. In the episode, Heather previewed NCEW for us and  also shared what she’s looking forward to about Climate Week New York, where she plans to spread the good word on the economic benefits of clean energy.

Coming up next week… so you know how I’m going to the CCL conference? I thought it would be fun to record from the event and bring you snippets for next week’s show. This will mark our first time doing an “on the road” episode so wish me luck!

ICYMI: Our Latest Flash Poll

Each month, republicEn asks our members 3 questions to learn about the EcoRight community.

Take 30 seconds and answer the 3 quick questions about natural gass Is it the bridge to a better future, or a detour on the road to clean energy? This fossil fuel offers a temporary break from coal’s carbon emissions, but its use raises concerns about methane leaks and the potential to delay the transition to cleaner sources. As we navigate the complex landscape of energy choices, the role of natural gas remains a hot topic for debate. We’d like to hear your views, EcoRight!

Answer the questions here.


Quote of the week:

“Prior to 2007, when people talked about climate change, it was mostly seen as something to be concerned about if you cared about the environment, but not if your focus was on security, and now we understand that both are true. That obviously we care about the environment, but if you care about national security, you also have to understand and care about climate risks, because they act as a threat multiplier for instability in fragile regions of the world and even in stable regions.”

Sherri Goodman, national security expert author of the book Threat Multiplier: Climate, Military Leadership, and the Fight for Global Security, in an interview with Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences. I just booked her to come on the podcast in October to talk about her book!

[NEW ANALYSIS] Prioritizing American Interests: A New Strategy for Global Decarbonization:

The Climate Leadership Council released their latest report, which finds that policymakers should embrace a climate strategy that leads with addressing the priorities of American families, manufacturers, and workers.

“Too often, climate progress has been treated as separate from or even at odds with other national priorities,” said our friend Catrina Rorke, executive director of the Climate Leadership Council’s Center for Climate & Trade. “This perspective overlooks the fact that the U.S. boasts the world’s largest and most innovative economy, dynamic capital markets, and a powerful consumer base, making it a sought-after global economic partner. Advancing our broader interests while cutting global emissions isn’t just possible–it’s essential.”

The Council makes four recommended areas of focus for any climate change policy efforts: American competitiveness, economic growth, resource security, and geopolitical influence.

Read the full report here.

[TWO SAVE THE DATES] October 7th kicks off Florida Climate Week AND our joint webinar with the Climate Majority Project on Oct 24!

Save the date #1: Mark your calendars for Florida Climate Week, a week-long event series dedicated to taking action on climate and addressing its impacts and solutions in Florida. 

And be sure to sign up for our panel! It’s free to participate!

Okay, I just have to note that this graphic (which was provided to me, we didn’t make it in house) is kind of funny because it makes me look like the star of this virtual session when I merely moderated. But the two “other speakers” are the stars: our own Bob Inglis and another former Congressman, Carlos Curbelo! You won’t want to miss our conversation!

Save the date #2: On October 24th at 3pmET join this virtual conversation with the Climate Majority Project between Bob and Amber Rudd, the former UK home secretary, on how to grow the climate majority across the political spectrum.

RSVP here.


Florida friends, we are thinking of you. Friends in the current path of the storm, be well. Everyone, stay safe during the hurricane.

That’s all from me! See you next week!