Hello from Montana!

Okay, mountain west friends, don’t get too excited. I’m just driving through, helping my younger son take his car to school and seeing some sights along the way, for example, the Badlands, Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial, and Devil’s Tower! Today we make the trek across Big Sky Country en route to Seattle.

Wish us smooth sailing.

This week’s must read: What has worked to fight climate change? Policies where someone pays for polluting, study finds (AP)

This article dives into a study done and published in the journal Science, which analyzed “1,500 ways countries have tried to curb heat-trapping gases” finding that emission abatement policies “are more successful when combined with some kind of energy tax or additional cost system.”

From the article:

“The key ingredient if you want to reduce emissions is that you have pricing in the policy mix,” said study co-author Nicolas Koch, a climate economist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “If subsidies and regulations come alone or in a mix with each other, you won’t see major emission reductions. But when price instruments come in the mix like a carbon energy tax then they will deliver those substantial emissions reductions.”

EcoRight Speaks, Season 9, Episode 3: Yoram Bauman, playwright, stand up economist
Listeners! Boy do we have something different for you this week.

You may have heard of our friend, Yoram Bauman, the first and only (that we know of) stand up economist. Yes, he’s funny and an economist. And he’s been on this show before. He recently wrote a screenplay and that screenplay was produced into a play that debuted at the Salt Lake City Fringe Festival over the summer. Seize the Initiative, is a fun romantic comedy about climate change and the advocacy around the issue. We actually have a scene from the show in the episode!

So grab your popcorn, and click below to listen to Yoram and a sneak peek from Seize the Initiative!

EcoRight Speaks, Season 9, Episode 4: KC Ingram, Florida radio show host 

Since we missed last week’s Week En Review, you get a bonus episode of the EcoRight Speaks this week!

This week’s episode was just a joy to record. We only recently met KC Ingram, when Bob Inglis appeared on her show, the KC Ingram Show, but now she feels like an old friend who has been in the ring with us for ages. A lifelong conservative with an independent mind, KC started her show as a place to have honest conversations about the issues that truly matter – our communities, wallets, quality of life, and future.

And she cares deeply about the environment, so check out our interview below and definitely give her show a listen!

Coming up next week, our first husband-wife duo, carbon tax experts Shuting Pomerleau from the Niskanen Center and Kyle Pomerleau from the American Enterprise Institute.

COMING SOON: National Clean Energy Week

September (yes, it’s here!) 23rd to 27th is the 8th annual National Clean Energy Week and there is a packed agenda of informative panels that you can participate in either in person or online.

Here is the full docket of speakers confirmed (so far!), including Georgia  Gov. Brian Kemp.

HERE is the full agenda.

With that, have a good weekend!