In an opinion essay in the Miami Herald, former Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo and Rev. Mitch Hescox, CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network call climate change “an issue that can no longer be ignored.”

“It is clear that conservatives won’t like Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, which includes things that have nothing to do with overcoming climate change, like big government healthcare, housing for all and ‘economic security’ for everyone. Before enthusiasm carries our country too far down the wrong road and a ‘my-way-or-the-highway’ attitude takes over, conservatives must present a better solution,” Curbelo and Hescox write. They call the carbon tax the best way to let “the market figure out the most efficient way to do so throughout the economy, driving innovation by harnessing the creativity of workers, engineers, business leaders and entrepreneurs.”

Another interesting read today:

Republicans need solutions on environment too (The Hill). “America—and the world as a whole—does indeed face enormous environmental challenges in the 21st century, and our country deserves Republican politicians who are willing to address them, rather than sit back and make the popcorn as the left chases windmills,” writes Albert Eisenberg, a Philadelphia based consultant who works on social issues from the right. “The Republican Party, with its respect for market realities, would be well positioned to offer solutions from climate to consumption, and oceans to fisheries.”

Go, team, go.