In honor of the 50th Earth Day, we challenged the republicEn community to write EcoRight haikus… and you did not disappoint!

Over 40 EcoRight-themed haikus were submitted for our #EcoRightHaiku contest. The republicEn team is blown away by our community’s creativity and genius — thank you for providing a ray of positivity in the midst of these challenging times.

With great difficulty, we whittled down the pool to 5 finalists

By Ben in VT:

By Zach in WI:

By John in NY:

By Sam in WI:

By Laura in FL:

We then asked republicEns to vote online for their favorite haiku! After all the votes were tallied, our team got together — on Zoom, of course — to make a video announcement of the results. Watch the republicEn staff (including a cameo by the mysterious EcoRight Mustache) read the finalists, with Bob Inglis reading the winning poem:

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Congratulations to Laura of Tallahassee, FL, the winner of the Earth Day 2020 EcoRight haiku contest! ??

But wait, there’s more. We received many more outstanding haiku submissions! Here is a sampling:

Saving Mother Earth
Why can we not all agree?
It’s just common sense

—Madeleine in PA

Juncos arrive late
Unhurried by weak winter
Sunflower seeds wait

—Cal in VA

Not rocket science:
You have to get the price right
Markets save the Earth

—Ezra in MA

Ode to Bob Inglis:
Our forbears had Paul Revere
We, better, have you!

—Cynthia in VA

The Palouse Prairie
The Imperial Grasslands
Birds of a feather

—Austin in PA

Republicans push
real emissions reductions:
carbon dividends

—James in NC

Even our own Chelsea Henderson got into the action:

The EcoRight Speaks
Wise conservatives listen
United, we act

Well done, everyone.

Thank you to all who participated in our haiku contest. We hope you found it as inspiring and refreshing as we did. Happy Earth Day!

Stay safe, EcoRight — and keep writing.