
Need a break in the headline news? Check out the ecoright climate news of the week so far.

The Bay State prepares: Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker has released a set of new rules aimed at bringing the commonwealth into full compliance with a 2008 state law that calls for a 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by the end of the decade. “Combatting and preparing for the impact of climate change remains a top priority of our administration, and requires collaboration across state government and with stakeholders throughout Massachusetts,” Baker said. His executive order also directs the state to begin planning for climate change adaptation “and working with cities and towns across the state to assess vulnerability and build resiliency to address climate change impacts.”

California mayor calls for distance: San Diego’s Republican Mayor Keith Faulconer said California’s GOP “shouldn’t be a carbon copy of the national GOP” on issues that are critical to the state, calling for “California Republicans to stop ignoring climate change” and instead tap innovation and embrace modernization. “If we opt out of the conversation, we’re only going to get extreme one-party solutions. We should be proud to offer our own plans to preserve our environment —plans that don’t plunder the middle class.”

Jester-in-waiting: President Donald Trump is on track to receive this week’s climate jester designation after rescinding the federal flood risk management standard, an Obama era directive requiring public infrastructure projects built in flood-prone areas to account for sea level rise in order to receive federal funding. The SmarterSafer Coalition—of which our ecoright, carbon tax partner R Street is a member—estimates that every dollar spent on disaster mitigation saves four dollars in recovery and rebuilding costs. Rescinding this policy will result in “stuff being built in the wrong places and being built in the wrong ways,” according to R Street president Eli Lehrer.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo, whose Florida district sits on the frontline of climate impacts, tweeted this in response:

The President is also dismissive of key findings in a massive federal climate report, saying “President Obama said that global warming is the greatest threat. I disagree.”

That’s it for today. We’ll be here all week and beyond.