The House Climate Solutions Caucus hit 90 members with the addition of Florida’s Rep. Francis Rooney on the Republican side and Democrat Rep. Ro Khanna from California. Florida already was the most represented state on the caucus, founded by two of its delegation members, Rep. Carlos Curbleo and Rep. Ted Deutch.

“I joined the Climate Solutions Caucus because environmental issues are critical for our Southwest Florida community,” Rooney said in a statement. “Southwest Florida’s well-being depends on a healthy environment; one just needs to look at the algal blooms currently ravaging our community to understand the negative effects of environmental disasters. To safeguard our future, proactive planning is necessary to mitigate effects of rising sea levels and increased intensity of flooding. I look forward to working with a bipartisan group of my colleagues on solving the problems of sea-level rise.”

Rooney is also a co-sponsor of Curbelo’s MARKET Choice Act, the first carbon tax bill introduced by a Republican member since 2010.