Raise your hand if you can’t believe the 4th of July is this week! ?????

Monday’s must listen: How Burnsville, Minnesota cut its carbon emissions by nearly 30 percent.

This morning, we were reminded how amazing America’s mayors are when we found this Yale Climate Connections interview with Burnsville, Minnesota’s Republican Mayor Elizabeth Kautz. “It was clear to all of us that we needed to start doing something,” she said of her gathering with mayors to discuss the issues posed by climate change. Catch the entire interview, which clocks in at 90 seconds, and give a big hand to all the mayors working to make a difference.

Show us your stripes: This is a little bit of a #latergram, but I am obsessed today with this interactive tool created by Climate Central, an independent organization of leading scientists and journalists researching and reporting the facts about our changing climate and its impact on the public. Choose your city or state and see a warming stripes graphic for that area. Check out your city or state and other places you love. Here is DC’s, to give you a visual on what I’m talking about:

And last but not least, record temperatures in France keep us from complaining about our own weather, but also leave us worried about the future if we don’t act soon.

Until tomorrow!