Eight hours on the pool deck in triple digit heat and a “brown out” later, I survived the weekend and am very much looking forward to the cold front blowing in for Tuesday. In the meantime, to keep cool read Beating the Green New Deal may require accepting the reality of climate change (Washington Examiner). GOP pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson writes, “sitting out the issue of climate change will no longer be a tenable position” for Republicans. “Huge generational divides on the issue make it a critical one for millennial and Generation Z voters who play a big part in the Democratic primary and who ought to be a persuasion target for savvy Republicans. And as polling from earlier this year shows, voters in the suburbs look identical to voters in the cities when it comes to the seriousness of climate change as an issue, with 68 percent saying it is a serious problem that needs action. The path back to a Republican House majority runs right through those very suburbs.”

Coming later this week…

The EcoRight speaks: Two of our spokespeople, Utah native Nick Huey and Alaskan Kiera O’Brien, will testify before the Senate Special Committee on the Climate Crisis on Thursday, July 25th. The hearing, titled “The Right Thing To Do: Conservatives for Climate Action” will begin at 11:30 a.m. and is open to the public, but you must RSVP through the committee website, which will also have links to the live video and written testimony. The third witness is pollster Frank Luntz, whose recent surveying demonstrated that young conservatives are dismayed with the GOP position on climate change. Promises to be enlightening and we will have the recap on Friday.

Have a great week!