Meet the #EcoRight! In this series, we profile republicEn members across the country: conservatives, libertarians, and independent thinkers who recognize the seriousness of climate change and support pragmatic solutions.

Jamison Dove is republicEn’s Social Media Manager. Coming from a military family, Jamison has lived all over the country. Traveling starting at a young age has inspired him to work for the conservation of our environment for future generations. He attends the University of South Carolina and majors in Environmental Studies. After graduation, he plans to pursue an environmental law degree.

When and why did you first start caring about climate change?

Growing up, my family would take me fishing and hunting. We’re from Alaska, and I fell in love with nature. My family and friends were constantly telling stories about climate change and how it affected them. I felt this urgency and responsibility to work as hard as possible. I want my future kids to enjoy and experience truly pristine nature in the way I did.

What worries you most about climate change?
What worries me the most is the increasingly extreme weather conditions and catastrophes we are experiencing, especially in areas where certain weather conditions are unheard of. Events like Texas freezing and the resulting tragic loss of lives – you could see how unprepared the state was. Our power grid, our way of life, and what keeps us safe are no match for climate change and the power of nature. This worries me because it shows climate change is advancing, and U.S. representatives are behind the curve. More events like this will happen, and I pray that we will have the leadership and preparedness to handle it.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced with being a member of the EcoRight?
The stigma of being on “the right” and people assuming I am a climate change denier. If I tell someone I hold some conservative values, they think that I do not listen to the clear scientific evidence that climate change is, in fact, real. I have to explain that we should use market-based solutions to create long-lasting solutions instead of overreaching and restrictive legislation.

“The argument of whether climate change is real or not is over. We are past the point of debating it. It is real, and it is happening.”

What would you say to Republicans who still deny climate change is a problem?
The argument of whether climate change is real or not is over. We are past the point of debating it. It is real, and it is happening. It is time to accept the scientific facts and join the rest of the country in fighting climate change.

What could the GOP do to make climate action more appealing to the public? What needs to change within the party?
I think the GOP has an excellent opportunity to change their party’s narrative surrounding climate change. If done correctly, they could use climate change as an opportunity to create jobs, spur innovation and rally the country against a common cause. Why not become leaders in this fight? The GOP needs to become a party that listens to and values science for this to happen.

Who are some Republican leaders who you feel best represent the EcoRight?
I would say U.S. Rep. John Curtis and U.S. Senator Mitt Romney. I believe the work they are doing and their values are critical in representing the movement.

What about this movement makes you feel optimistic for the future?
Seeing how many people genuinely care and want to better the environment gives me hope for the future. I think working with republicEn has opened my eyes to how many bright, determined, and well-educated people are out there working tirelessly to save our environment. I believe the EcoRight movement could prove to be historic. I think it is the catalyst that will get both sides of the aisle to work together for a common goal and save our planet.

See more Meet the EcoRight interviews here

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