Addressing the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski said she disagrees with those who say “there is no way we can figure things out in energy space.” Referencing the “so-called New Green Deal,” she explained that any low or no carbon solution has to include nuclear power. “Even though I come from fossil fuel production state, I am aggressive and bullish on the future for nuclear… But we have to deal with the waste issue. Avoiding the political discussion is not getting us there.”

Given the impacts already being experienced in her home state, Murkowski has been vocal on climate change, “it is literally there at our front door.” Together with the previous ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, she has long pushed for bipartisan comprehensive energy reform. “A refreshed energy bill is one of things on my to do list.”

It’s not too late to send her an EcoRight Valentine as a thanks for her hard work: