
Former New York Gov. George Pataki was joined by four other Republican candidates seeking the presidential bid to speak at the No Labels Problem Solver Convention in Manchester, NH. In line with No Labels’ philosophy that hyper-partisanship must be overcome in order to break gridlock, Pataki asked former Indian Sen. Evan Bayh, a Democrat, to grill him on climate change.

“The solution is not our government raising energy costs on Americans through regulation,” Pataki told the crowd of undecided voters. “It’s our government working to empower innovation and technology because when we do something like fracking, when we create the next generation of solar panels that are much cheaper than any other source of energy, we’re not just reducing our emissions, we’re creating a technology we can export to China, we can export to India, allowing them to lower their emissions while we are strengthening our economy.”

Pataki has been vocal in his support for non-regulatory solutions to climate change.