We asked the EcoRight, Will you vote in this election?” 99% answered “Yes,” 0.5% answered “No,” and 0.5% answered “Maybe.”

Every month, republicEn seeks to better understand conservatives who care about climate change by asking 3 important questions to the EcoRight.

We all know what tomorrow is – election day! There’s no better way to flex that red, white, and blue muscle than to show up at the ballot boxes and vote. How important is climate action in choosing your conservative candidate? We set out to hear your views, EcoRight!

Here is what we found:

We asked, All else equal, I would vote for a conservative candidate who views solving climate change as a priority over one who does not. 69% answered “Strongly agree,” 13% answered “Agree,” 6% answered “Undecided,” 5% answered “Disagree, ” and 7% answered “Strongly disagree.”

We asked, How important is it to you that candidates prioritize climate change in their platform?74% answered “Very important,” 15% answered “Moderately important,” and 10% answered “Not important.”

Here are shared thoughts and opinions from republicEn pollees:
      • “A conservative standing up for climate accountability is good for the world we want to leave for our children. It signals they are genuinely conservative, paying attention to reality and cold, hard facts rather than just following the lunatics and lemmings into the ignorant abyss.” – Greg C. in South Carolina
      • “For candidates, climate change must be a global perspective because China and India emit more carbon than the US – in other words, we cannot solve this on our own.” – Ed C. in California
      • “It is very concerning as I have just been through 2 major hurricanes here in Florida, and I know that our climate is changing our weather. I am so concerned about the future.” – Laura O. in Florida
      • “Anyone saying that the economy and immigration/migration are important but who is ignoring climate change is simply not credible. The worst thing about our politics now is how shallow it is. We aren’t even discussing how to identify and prioritize issues based on their threat level and consequences, much less solve them.” – Matt W. in Texas
      • “We need all of our politicians on both sides of the aisle to take a pledge to commit to mitigating climate change, reduce our emissions, and get us back to pre-350 ppm levels. We are all going to suffer, and by ‘we’ I mean all of us: people, animals, plants, the fish in the oceans…everything. It’s an all hands on deck moment. ” – Alex A. in Montana
      • “I voted Republican down the line this year… EXCEPT for candidates who don’t have a constructive view on climate action! This is how I will approach all elections going forward. If more EcoRight voters did the same, we could force real change within the Republican Party.” – John S. in New York
      • “Conservatives have key voices at the climate solutions table and can advocate for solutions that are in line with conservative values, like using the free market vs regulation.” – Susan A. in Colorado
      • “I agree with many that feel it is already too late to alter climate change, and that there are other countries that are more significant polluters. But we can’t just give up on the only place we call home.” – Sharon F. in Arkansas
      • “[I’m] concerned about the amount of $ from crypto companies flooding the campaigns of both parties. The energy-intensive bitcoin industry & its impact on climate change must be examined as part of the overall strategy to reduce GHG emissions and create a stable grid.” – Deborah G. in New York
      • “I look for candidates who prioritize practical, actionable solutions with respect to the environment and climate, whether that candidate is conservative, liberal, or any other political persuasion. Talking about climate is great, but having a plan with realistic steps we can take now, that is better.” – Leah M. in Connecticut
      • “I usually vote for Democrats, but I always make an exception for Republicans who prioritize action on climate change!” – Karl D. in California
      • “How we treat and respect our island home is how we treat and respect all of life. We should be stewards for the benefit of all living things so we can all flourish. Our politicians should be the ones with the wisdom to lead us in preserving and conserving our resources for generations to come.” – Victoria C. in South Carolina

Poll answers represent republicEn members across 40 states (including Alaska and Hawaii!). California submitted the most responses, with Florida coming in second. The political leaning of poll takers: 48% lean right, 32% claim center, 19% lean left, and 1% are unsure or prefer not to say.