Chelsea Henderson


Chelsea Henderson is republicEn’s Director of Editorial Content, aggregating EcoRight climate news for the Week En Review e-newsletter, hosting our EcoRight Speaks podcast, and managing the EcoRight Leadership Council program. With nearly twenty-five years of experience striking bipartisan compromise on federal climate and environmental policy, Chelsea has worked on and off Capitol Hill with lawmakers, administration officials, and a broad array of stakeholders from industry to conservationists.

Chelsea served as senior policy advisor for retired Senator John Warner (R-VA) during his effort to enact climate change legislation and served as professional staff to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, her tenure spanning the chairmanships of the late Senator John H. Chafee (R-RI) and former Senator Bob Smith (R-NH). In her free time, she writes novels, teaches yoga, and parents her perpetually hungry teenage boys.

A graduate of Boston University’s College of Liberal Arts and School of Education, she hails from both California and Maine. She resides in the Washington, DC metro area.

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