As Washington DC settled back into routine, more policymakers responded to the Administration’s Fourth Climate Assessment, which detailed the impacts of a changing climate on the U.S.
New York Rep. Tom Reed said in a statement: “Climate change is a serious threat, and we care about the countless lives this report shows it will impact. We continue to be a leader on our side of the aisle to implement a tax code which incentivizes all clean and renewable energy sources in order to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.”
North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis took to Twitter to express his reaction:
The 4th National Climate Assessment report serves as a glaring reminder of the long-term risks of climate change. Both parties need to work together to deploy an innovative, market-driven strategy to combat the impacts of climate change.
Senator Thom Tillis (@SenThomTillis) November 26, 2018
Senator Susan Collins reiterated her initial reaction:
We can’t ignore the impact of climate change on our public health, environment, & economy. This should cause all of us, including the Administration, to take a harder look at the consequences of inaction & use what is known about risks to inform policy.
Sen. Susan Collins (@SenatorCollins) November 26, 2018
From Rep. Ryan Costello, who is retiring at the end of the Congressional session:
Folks, this is the issue of our time.
Ryan Costello (@RyanCostello) November 23, 2018
In a separate tweet, he challenged Utah Sen. Mike Lee, who said all the climate proposals he’s seen so far ruin the U.S. economy.
But not substantially reducing carbon emissions over next decade(s) would be extremely harmful, cause cont’d economic hardship (eg, agriculture, infrastructure) & disaster relief $, among other “costs.” The more precise policy analysis is cost of proposed action(s) vs inaction
Ryan Costello (@RyanCostello) November 25, 2018
Rep. Carlos Curbelo challenged Lee to look at the MARKET Choice Act.
.@SenMikeLee take a look at the #MarketChoiceAct. Utah needs your leadership on the #environment, #ClimateAction before it’s too late.
Carlos Curbelo (@carloslcurbelo) November 25, 2018
And perhaps most bewilderingly though not surprisingly, President Donald Trump commented: “I’ve seen it. I’ve read some of it, and it’s fine,” he said, adding when asked about the report’s economic projections: “I don’t believe it. No, no, I don’t believe it.” The report was written by the 13 federal agencies that address climate change issues.