This week’s must see cool visual: percent of adults who think global warming is happening.
This week’s must read from Coral Davenport of the New York Times: Trump Advisers Are Split on Paris Agreement on Climate Change
This week in climate change, former Montana representative Ryan Zinke was confirmed as the next Secretary of the Interior, a job he embraced the spirit of wholeheartedly by riding to work on a horse on his first day.
Humbled by the warm welcome at @Interior this morning
Secretary Ryan Zinke (@SecretaryZinke) March 2, 2017
Also confirmed, former Texas governor Rick Perry as the nation’s new Secretary of Energy. (He apparently drove to work.)
Former presidential candidate and Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, in a talk held at Washington University, expressed concern over Republican party denial of climate change, while acknowledging some privately believe it’s happening, but fear economic consequences of action. Last month Romney tweeted in support of a carbon dividend plan unveiled by conservative statesmen George Shultz and James A. Baker. He called “the idea of doing nothing” on climate change “a recipe for disaster.” He added that the U.S. should take a leadership role on the international stage. Related, Romney also said he’s “concerned about the anti-scientific attitude” of politicians and the public alike, calling such sentiment an attack on “the root of America’s innovation.”
Romney said the key is for the U.S. to be “not just strong and powerful, but a nation that is good…goodness is essential to greatness.”
Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA-49) became the most recent Republican to join the bipartisan House Climate Solutions Caucus, which has blossomed to 26 total members. The Caucus was co-founded last year by Florida Reps. Carlos Curbelo and Ted Deutch.
“We shouldn’t be forced to choose between unworkable new taxes or complete inaction. Our district is one of the most beautiful places in the nation. It’s our responsibility to ensure we both protect it for our children and grandchildren,” Issa said.
Is your Member of Congress a part of the Climate Solutions Caucus? Click here to find out!
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