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Climate Week En Review: Let it Snow!

Climate Week En Review: Let it Snow!

December is winding down… I say this because while we still have a few weeks before the new year, we only have a few days before my birthday, which is in the second half of the month. I hope you’re soaking in the holiday spirit!

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Climate Week En Review: Wintering

Climate Week En Review: Wintering

December! How I missed you. In the DMV the best month of the year was greeted by some very welcome (by me) cooler temperatures more akin to what I was used to in my New England days. Just missing the snow. Come on, winter! You can do it!

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EcoRight Speaks, Season 9, Episode 15: podcast producer Peterson Toscano

EcoRight Speaks, Season 9, Episode 15: podcast producer Peterson Toscano

I’m pretty excited about this week’s guest, a man who is typically remains behind the scenes. Peterson Toscano is a playwright, actor, and scholar, highlighting people’s stories and their successes as they pursue climate solutions. He produces Citizens Climate Radio, the podcast of Citizens Climate Lobby and also produces Green Tea Party Radio, whose hosts we have had on the podcast previously.

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Climate Week En Review: November 8, 2024

Climate Week En Review: November 8, 2024

I’m a little bit at a loss for words this week—and that doesn’t happen to me often. But I also know that the event leading to my loss of words means that our work is all the more important. We have to ensure that climate change is a top priority in our communities, states, and with our federal law makers. We do this by talking to people. By writing LTEs and op-eds. By organizing events and being a very squeaky wheel.

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