
PALM BEACH – Amid increasing concerns that Mar-a-lago sits on the front lines of climate change impacts, President Donald Trump convened a top-secret meeting of the country’s leading climate scientists at his historic coastal estate, according to reporting based on a senior White House official who wishes to remain anonymous.

The so-called “Southern White House” has been converted into open-air situation room and hosted world leaders since Trump took office.

“Most of the scientists were really happy to learn the purpose of their visit,” the anonymous source allegedly told a Brietfart News reporter. “For security reasons, they were not briefed on their destination and were required to wear a security hood during transport.”

President Trump met the scientists on the 14th green of the resort’s 5-star golf course. “See this puddle?” Mr. Trump gestured to 13 of America’s leading atmospheric and oceanographic scientists. “This puddle is supposed to become an f—ing lake in a few years and it’s gonna cost billions. Billions. The insurance premiums are high—way too high—it’s a disaster. And it’s not just me. There’s two trillion in real estate at risk down here.”

“You are here to tell me how to stop this” Trump told the scientists. “Can we stop this?”

A so-called ‘climate skeptic’ scientist—the only one invited—was the first to respond. “Mr. President, sea level rise is unlikely to stop regardless of we do as a country to reduce emissions; and anyway, it’s unclear how much warming is attributable to human causes.”

“I heard about you, I don’t know why you’re here,” the President reportedly replied. “You’re a joke. No one respects you. You can leave now.” The scientist was immediately ushered off the green. The rest of the scientists were told to prepare a briefing for Trump.

Gary Cohn, the president’s economic advisor, attended the meeting. Sources say he has been tasked with coordinating an economic briefing on the costs of dealing with climate change. When asked to comment, Cohn told reporters, “The good news is, we can bring China on board and get ahead of climate change, and we can do it with policies that grow the economy by leveling the playing field for clean energy.”

Presidential daughter and surrogate First Lady Ivanka Trump and her husband, senior advisor Jared Kushner, were unavailable for comment.