TGIF! On Saturday, I bought myself a gravel bike, which means I can’t wait to get out and ride this weekend! I hope that whatever you’re inspired to do brings you joy.

This week’s must read: Young rural conservatives voters want clean energy.  GOP can’t win without them (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

“Earlier this year, my organization [American Conservation Coalition] released polling that shows 71% of young rural conservative voters support a shift to clean energy. Those who did not favor shifting to clean energy were concerned about higher costs and economic impact, making clear communication the last step needed for this already-winning platform to have near-unanimous support,” the author, Aidan Shank, writes. “In Wisconsin and elsewhere, having strong clean energy policy positions and knowing how to speak about the economic benefits of clean energy is low-hanging fruit for conservatives.”

The EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 7: ESG expert Dora Lutz

This week’s podcast guest came to me serendipitously. I have long wanted to have a guest on the show break down ESGs for us. And I love having women as guests. Talking to a contact of mine, she mentioned her friend, Dora Lutz, an ESG expert, and I pounced at the opportunity to be connected.

Dora is an award-winning researcher and international speaker who educates and inspires audiences on how to grow their social impact. Using the principles of ESG (that Environmental, Social, and Governance, for those who don’t know what those three initials stand for), Dora has worked with small businesses, Fortune 100 companies, and even the United Nations as they leverage business models to create sustainable revenue sources and profound social outcomes.

For more than a decade, Dora has devoted her career to understanding the unique ways businesses can make a positive impact on society. She is widely considered one of the top thought leaders on ESG strategy and is the go-to expert for companies who care as much about sustainability as they do their bottom line.

Dora is the author of The Aspirational Business (2018), founder of GivingSpring and the creator of the course Business Planning for Social Entrepreneurs at Purdue University. Dora holds an MBA from Butler University and did her first TEDx in 2021 entitled “Dear C-Suite: It’s Not You, It’s Us.”

She was a pleasure to talk to and I hope you enjoy the show!

Coming up next week, Path to Zero podcast host Tucker Perkins, who also serves as resident and chief executive officer for the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC).

BOOK RELEASE and Tour Dates: The Conservative Environmentalist by Benji Backer

Have you grabbed your copy of The Conservative Environmentalist: Common Sense Solutions for a Sustainable Future yet? Published on Tuesday, Benji’s book, in his own words, discusses “an environmental agenda that’s pro-America, pro-market, and pro-innovation — all while staying true to conservative principles.” Buy a copy and check out his extensive 45-day book tour!

Calling all New York EcoRighters

Join Conservative Climate Activists, CCL and the American Conservation Coalition for a climate discussion on April 25th at 7pm at Jack Diamonds bar. All the details can be found here.

Hanging with Teddy

This month’s EcoRight poll was a fun one! (Let’s pause to give thanks to Angela Larck, who comes up with these great ideas!) Whether you took the poll or not, I think you will enjoy these results!

We asked, “If you could pick any historical conservative figure to be your “weather buddy” for a day to discuss climate change and its effects, who would it be?” Choices included Theodore RooseveltRichard NixonJohn McCain, and Margaret Thatcher, as well as a write-in option. Theodore Roosevelt was our clear winner, with 56% of the vote, followed by John McCain with 18%. Write-ins included former U.S. Secretary George SchultzJesus ChristDonald TrumpRonald Reagan, and both George Bushes.

Other questions:

Which weather-related super power would you like to have? Top response: the power to freeze and stabilize the polar ice caps.

Which climate-friendly outdoor activity is best designed for EcoRighers? Top response: tree planting and conservation hikes.

If you voted, thanks for participating!

LTE of the week

I found this letter on carbon pricing in the Virginia Pilot, in which the author writes: “Implementing market policies such as carbon pricing would address the problem without inflicting unmanageable costs on individuals. This policy will place a price on carbon emissions, with the tax feeding back into the general population as a dividend.” Remember, LTEs are a great way to express your position on climate change!

That’s it for me! See you next week!