TGIF! Did this week zoom by or what? Honestly, I totally forgot it’s Easter. I haven’t had a single jelly bean or Cadbury egg this spring, so now you know what’s on my to do list this weekend.

This week’s must read: A conservative argument for clean energy: follow the market, fossil fuels no bargain (

From long-time EcoRighter David Jenkins comes this piece, in which he writes:

As this past year’s high power bills demonstrated, the price of generating electricity with natural gas or coal is no longer a bargain for Pennsylvania utility customers. High overseas demand for U.S. natural gas, along with old, expensive to maintain power plants, caused electricity prices here to soar. Relief can only come from our utilities diversifying their energy mix more with cheaper energy sources. In today’s energy market, solar, wind, and nuclear power — which are virtually immune from overseas influence — offer lower and more price stable electricity generation.

EcoRight Speaks, Season Six, Episode 8: Hunter Cristina McGannon Jones.

Are you feeling our theme, listeners?

Just a few weeks ago, we brought you avid angler Connor Parrish and this week we have passionate outdoorswoman and hunter Cristina McGannon Jones. We talk about how she is responsible for all the protein her family consumes and how she fell in love, as an adult, with her favorite past time, hunting.

And I just have to give a shout out to Angela Larck for helping me find Cristina!

Coming up next week: E&E Daily Reporter Emma Dumain will break down the Congressional energy action for us, including the recent House passage of an energy bill.

Bipartisan powers, activate: I loved this story of how Republican Rep. John Curtis of Utah and Democratic Rep. Annie Kuster of New Hampshire have partnered up to work on an issue of shared interest to their congressional districts: how to save ski towns and resorts from the ravages of climate change.

“We are surrounded by hundreds of our colleagues on the right and on the left who want to do the right thing,” Curtis said. “It just doesn’t always make the news.”

The two are also co-chairs of the Ski and Snowboard Caucus, which Curtis credits for “pull[ing] us all on to the same sheet and find some common principles that we can all agree on.” (Note: I’m not a skier or a snowboarder but if I were going to be in Congress, I think I’d learn just so I could be part of this working group.)

Three cheers for bipartisanship!

Have a great weekend, readers! See you next week!