Hello and happy Friday! Thanks to all who reached out with healing wishes last week. I’m slowly gaining strength and getting back in the saddle. Just in time to spend all my time in the kitchen cooking for my college kids returning home for the holidays…
This week’s must read: IOC delays 2030 Winter Olympics host selection due to climate change (USA Today)
It’s no surprise that “sports competitions around the world are increasingly affected by warmer temperatures, the Olympics included. Winter and summer venues have struggled with warmer than normal temperatures that lead to a range of issues, including lack of snow, rain instead of snow, and heat waves.” But the recent news that “wider discussion on climate change and sustainable winter sport” is being held at the Olympic level is distressing to this Olympics fanatic.
Three cities are currently in contention to host the 2030 games: Salt Lake City, Utah; Sapporo, Japan; and Vancouver, British Columbia.
Planning for 2023: we want to see, hear, meet you!
Whether you have a podcast guest suggestion, an idea for an op-ed (I can totally help you), or an event at which you’re looking for a speaker (Bob Inglis is a popular keynote speaker and I’m venturing onto the speaking circuit as well) reach out to us! We travel, we zoom, we want to be part of your work.
Speaking of events…
Mark your calendars for a very special webinar coming up early in 2023! On January 12, 2023 at 8pmET, we will host a webinar featuring MY favorite podcast hosts, Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers of Pantsuit Politics. Register now for New Year’s Resolutions: Making Progress Amidst Division.
The EcoRight Speaks is back… next week
Thanks for your patience while I recuperate and slowly work to wrap up this season! Next week, I’m back in your ears on Tuesday, December 13th, with Reed Davis, the acting Executive Director for Indiana Conservative Energy Alliance. Reed is going to recap our Hoosier Happy Hour series held over the summer and early fall as well as talk about all things clean energy in Indiana.
Fun Facts: Coal vs Renewables
Coal, which used to be the primary electricity fuel source in 32 states, is now the leading source in only 15. According to the Energy Information Administration and reported by Politico, Ohio and Pennsylvania saw the greatest drop in coal generation over the last 20 years ago, due primarily to their switch to natural gas. Other states with the largest increases in gas power include Texas, Florida and California. And this is the exciting part: Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota transitioned from majority coal to majority wind in the 20 year time frame between 2001 and 2021.
MUST WATCH: Romney talks energy innovation: In a conversation with the Washington Post, Utah Senator Mitt Romney talks about energy innovation. The portion of the video featuring Romney begins around the 52-minute mark.
“The number one thing and frankly the only thing that has a major impact [on climate change] is having a price on carbon. A carbon tax…with border adjustment taxes…that’s the only thing that has a significant impact,” he says in the conversation. “A price on carbon creates a massive incentive for the private sector to innovate.”

Fourth warmest on record
Globally, 2022 is on pace to be the fourth warmest year on record. Furthermore, the last eight years are on track to be the eight warmest on record, fuelled by ever-rising greenhouse gas concentrations and accumulated heat. That’s not the kind of record setting we want to sweat.
But some good news…
My solar panels are in! The rain threatened to delay installation—again—but the crew patiently waited for the clouds to pass and now I just need to wait for the county and utility to do their inspection and flip the switch. ☀️☀️☀️
Fa la la la la. See you next week.