Does anyone know if the Groundhog saw his shadow? Somehow I missed the verdict, but anyway, it’s winter and I’m okay with six more weeks if that’s the prediction.
Meet the #EcoRight! In this series, we profile republicEn members across the country: conservatives, libertarians, and independent thinkers who recognize the seriousness of climate change and support pragmatic solutions.
Jamison Dove has been serving as republicEn’s Social Media Manager. Coming from a military family, Jamison has lived all over the country. Traveling starting at a young age has inspired him to work for the conservation of our environment for future generations. He attends the University of South Carolina and majors in Environmental Studies. After graduation, he plans to pursue an environmental law degree.

When and why did you first start caring about climate change?
Growing up, my family would take me fishing and hunting. We’re from Alaska, and I fell in love with nature. My family and friends were constantly telling stories about climate change and how it affected them. I felt this urgency and responsibility to work as hard as possible. I want my future kids to enjoy and experience truly pristine nature in the way I did.
What worries you most about climate change?
What worries me the most is the increasingly extreme weather conditions and catastrophes we are experiencing, especially in areas where certain weather conditions are unheard of. Events like Texas freezing and the resulting tragic loss of lives – you could see how unprepared the state was. Our power grid, our way of life, and what keeps us safe are no match for climate change and the power of nature. This worries me because it shows climate change is advancing, and U.S. representatives are behind the curve. More events like this will happen, and I pray that we will have the leadership and preparedness to handle it.
What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced with being a member of the EcoRight?
The stigma of being on “the right” and people assuming I am a climate change denier. If I tell someone I hold some conservative values, they think that I do not listen to the clear scientific evidence that climate change is, in fact, real. I have to explain that we should use market-based solutions to create long-lasting solutions instead of overreaching and restrictive legislation.
Climate stat of the week: The annual cost of flooding in the United States will increase 26.4 percent — from $32.1 billion to $40.6 billion — by 2050 according to a study in the journal National Climate Change and reported by the Washington Post. The Southeast will bear the brunt of the flooding, especially along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.
This week’s must read: If the U.S. wants to fully tackle inflation, it needs to tackle climate change (TIME) In this article, Justin Worland explores major natural disaster events linked to climate change and how they contribute to inflation. “Across the world, climate-linked disasters have killed crops, disrupted energy supplies, and crippled transportation lines. Economists say that this reality will only worsen as the planet warms,” he writes. Regarding the Texas storm that crippled the state last February, “across the state, many natural gas pipelines that were ill equipped to handle winter weather went offline. This not only shut off heat for many in Texas but also forced Gulf Coast petrochemical refineries—which produce three quarters of the country’s basic chemicals—to temporarily stop production. These chemicals are used to make everything from soda bottles to car bumpers. In the wake of the freeze, the U.S. lost 28% of its shipments of chemicals by railcar and prices of the basic chemical rose dramatically, according to a report from the Dallas Fed. That chemical shortage in turn contributed to shortages across a range of industries as well as price increases that were passed along to consumers. By mid-April, production had recovered—but prices remained high through the end of the year.” (For more on the 2021 Texas storm, check out our EcoRight Speaks episode featuring energy expert, Dr. Joshua Rhodes.)
Reminder: EcoRight Speaks Season 4, episode one featuring former Senator Sam Brownback drops on Tuesday! 🎉
Stay warm, stay safe. AND: Go Team USA. 🥌⛸⛷