
Hello and TGIF! By the way, remember that 497-day January we just had? Turns out it was the hottest January on record.

Also, hot? This weekend’s Super Bowl. Speaking of, what are your favorite football snacks? I’m entertaining and need fresh ideas!

This week’s must read: How America’s eco-republicans are trying to reclaim the right (written by Devin Hartman for Corporate Knights) This history of conservatism in conservation is very interesting to this writer of a book on the history of climate politics (Glacial: the Inside Story of Climate Politics, coming to bookstores in August).

“Republicans have a proud environmental legacy, epitomized by Theodore Roosevelt’s commitment to land and wildlife conservation in the early 1900s. Conservative scholars, such as those at the Property and Environment Research Center, were at the forefront of market-based solutions to fishery depletion, biodiversity loss, land degradation, water scarcity and pollution. President Ronald Reagan signed the Montreal Protocol to resolve ozone layer depletion…The initial climate movement worked with prominent Republicans like John McCain toward sensible policy, such as emissions pricing to reduce carbon 80% by 2050,” the article details. “The secret sauce is not so secret: pair good economic policy with positive environmental outcomes.”

[WORKSHOP] Crafting Impactful Conservative Op-Eds and LTEs

As if on cue…

Last week I hailed the importance of LTEs and then this opportunity was brought to my attention. Join this workshop, featuring our most prolific writer, Mary Anna Mancuso, and ACC’s Karly Matthews, plus The Invading Sea editor Natahn Crabbe for this Citizens Climate Lobby tutorial on how to write effective letters and opinion pieces.

Register here!

As you know, Mary Anna knows a thing or two about writing op-eds, and on that note, was published in the Hill this week extoling the benefits of the PROVE IT Act.

“Congress should jump over the artificial hurdle of it being a presidential election year to assert America’s leadership in the global fight against climate change and pass the PROVE IT Act,”she writes. “By transcending partisan divisions, lawmakers can stop carbon leakage, elevate American manufacturing, and compel other nations to clean up their acts. It’s time to put America first in a way that benefits both the environment and the economy. The PROVE IT Act stands ready to be the catalyst for change; now, it’s in the hands of Congress to make it a reality.”

And also coming from the Conservative Caucus at CCL, their annual meeting.

If you’re ready to protect the people and places you love from extreme weather, there’s no better place to be on March 19th and 20th than at the 2024 Conservative Climate Leadership Conference & Lobby Day. Meet other like-minded people and discuss practical solutions to stop the pollution that’s overheating the planet. Then, spend a day speaking with Republican Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill about what they can do to help.

This conference is designed for politically right-leaning attendees. Please complete a short set of screening questions by March 4, 2024. Within one week of submitting your application you will hear back from CCL staff via email, phone, and/or text. Upon acceptance, you will receive a link to register for the conference.



[PODCAST] Save the date: February 27th 

Thank you for your patience as we figured out the programming for the first half of the season. We are pleased to announce the first episode of season 8 will drop on February 27th. Stay tuned in these pages and on our social for an annoucement of who our first guest will be.

In the meantime, you can always catch up on back episodes or head to Apple and give us a 5-star review!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day and all the things! See you next week.