Why is it that the weeks when we had Monday off sometimes feel the longest? Anyway, here we are. The weekend is here. I’m ready for a cozy weekend in front of the fireplace. Hoping your vibes are as good as I hope mine will be!
This week’s must read: This op-ed comes from a (spoiler) upcoming (and past) podcast guest and dear friend of republicEn.org, Catrina Rorke from the Climate Leadership Council. In EU CBAM highlights need for US Climate strategy she writes:
A sound strategy for climate and trade policy would have four goals: reducing global emissions, boosting the U.S. economy, deepening cooperation with like-minded countries, and holding high emitting nations accountable. The best place for that work to start is in Congress with bipartisan legislation. Council research has shown that policy solutions like a border carbon adjustment (BCA) and carbon clubs would be a boon for more investment in U.S. industry and workers, improved energy and national security, robust export opportunities for clean firms, and lower global emissions.
Just a preview of what you’ll hear in February. For now, you can read the full essy for more.

Webinar, recap:
Did you miss our webinar, New Year’s Resolution: Making Progress Amidst Division, featuring Sarah Stewart Holland & Beth Silvers of Pantsuit Politics? Guess what? We recorded it!
Those who were live for the event can attest that we learned the art of connecting with others in order to have an influence within the realm of climate change.
And save the date! Our next webinar event will be a book club on April 20th, deets to follow!

Upcoming Events:
January is more than half over, each day bringing Bob Inglis closer to his upcoming February trip to Antarctica. In honor of this trip, here he is pictured above (throwback Friday) on his first trip, standing next to the late New York Congressman Sherry Boehlert.
What is Bob doing between now and then?
- Speaking at Families for a Livable Climate climate advocacy day in Helena, Montana
- Speaking to Richmond, California Rotary Club
- Speaking to North Spartanburg, SC Rotary Club
- Participating in a Webinar with Fishery Friendly Climate Action in Newport, RI
- Speaking to University of Miami “Science and Society” class
- Speaking to the Civic Science Fellows Lab in Madison, WI
Is there an event which you’d like Bob or another member of our team to speak at or participate in? You know where to find us.

Let it snow: I’m off to Maine, the way life should be! I was scheduled to fly out on Monday, but with triple snowstorms in the forecast, I decided to change my flight to try to squeeze in between #1 and #2. (And hopefully#2 and #3 are really snow events and not false alarms.) Have a great week!