Friday is here! Not sure what you have planned but I plan to, oh yeah, write! But this is the last you will hear from me about it until the manuscript is turned in! Wish me luck!
This week’s must read: Bipartisan bill would help Florida tackle harmful algal blooms (The Invading Sea) Our EcoRight Leadership Council chairwoman (I just made that title up… because she is currently our most active member) Mary Anna Mancuso is at it again, this time writing about an issue of great concern to her home state of Florida.
“Florida’s harmful algal blooms are affecting more than the Sunshine State. Environmental damage and impacts on the tourism industry affect the country,” she writes. “Florida Gulf Coast University and research from other institutions have shown aerosol algal toxins have the ability to travel miles from the source and embed deep into human lungs.”
Algal blooms are scary stuff. Good thing there is a bipartisan bill to try to get at the problem!

EcoRight Speaks, season six, episode six: Pricing Carbon Initiative’s Danny Richter
What a joy to talk to Danny Richter.
Now at the Pricing Carbon Initiative, Danny is someone we got to know during his days at the Citizens Climate Lobby. A strong advocate for pricing carbon, he’s an effective communicator and convener.
I can’t believe I’d never had a conversation with him!
But we changed all that and I look forward to your listening to the show!
Coming up next week, my conversation with IN-Climate Conversations CEO and founder, Sarah Beth Aubrey.
Bipartisan Commission to Support Nuclear Energy
Last week, Congressman Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Congressman Bill Foster (D-IL), Co-Chairs of the Advanced Nuclear Caucus, introduced a bipartisan resolution expressing Congress’ commitment to embracing and accepting nuclear power as a clean baseload energy source to achieve a reliable, secure, and green electric grid.
Long-time EcoRight Speaks listeners may remembers Mr. Donalds being on the podcast, where he talked about his avid support for nuclear energy, which is zero carbon emitting. We also had an Encourage Tour event in his district and are happy to see the love for love and no carbon emitting fuel sources.
Another guest of the show, Congresswoman Nancy Mace, a co-sponsor of the resolution, had this to say:
“As a reliable, clean, and abundant source of energy, it provides a stable base load to complement intermittent renewables and reduces our reliance on foreign energy sources.”

Generational warming:
Wow, no story, just… that graphic above really hit me hard.
Montanans unite:
We love a good collab, so it’s nice to see our Montana friends continuing their LTE/op-ed drive with their latest piece, Hunters, Anglers, and the Climate (The Laurel Outlook)
“Hunting and fishing are part of our Montana way of life and our desire to preserve them for future generations is one of many reasons we engage on [climate change]” write co-authors Kyle McIntyre (our EcoRight Leadership Council member), Hattie Hobart from American Conservation Coalition, and Alex Amonette from Citizens Climate Lobby. “There are also significant economic reasons to support common-sense climate action. According to MT Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, the estimated annual economic value of angling alone amounts to more than $750 million a year, or 20 percent of all tourism revenue. Hunting also contributes almost 4,000 jobs, $134 million in wages, and almost $450 million in sales. These are all massive assets to Montana’s outdoor economy.”
Keep it up, friends!
That’s it for me! You know, you know, see you next week.