It’s November! Which means we turn the clocks back (for the last time?) and have an election and Thanksgiving is on the horizon. I’ve already started my “what pie will I make this year” search and an early contender is the Nutty Baklava Pie featured in this month’s edition of Food and Wine magazine.
This week’s must watch: As always, climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe serves up the best, clearest explanations for what’s happening to the planet.

EcoRight Speaks, season 5… and our 99th episode!
This week’s esteemed guest is author Todd Myers, whose book Time to Think Small: How Nimble Environmental Technologies Can Solve the Planet’s Biggest Problems is coming to a bookstore near you, today, November 1st. With nearly two decades experience in environmental policy, Todd Myers works on a range of environmental issues, including climate policy, spotted owl habitat, old-growth forests, and salmon recovery. Currently, he serves as a member of the Puget Sound Salmon Recovery Council and was a member of the executive team at the Washington State Department of Natural Resources.
Todd is the Environmental Director at the Washington Policy Center, a market-oriented think tank in Seattle. Myers’ writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the BBC, National Review, Seattle Times, USA Today, and he has appeared on numerous news networks. Recognized as a national leader on free-market environmental policy, Myers serves on the board of two national center-right environmental organizations, the American Conservation Coalition and ConservAmerica.
Readers, pick up his book and have a listen!
Coming up next week: 🎉🎂🎈Our 100th episode! 🎉🎂🎈
It’s hard to believe, but we are on the cusp of hitting 100 episodes of the EcoRight Speaks. Tune in next week for a look back, some of our favorite clips, listener input, and words from our team!

WEBINAR: Pardoning Uncle Charlie
One of the most important things we can do about climate change is to talk about it. With that in mind, join us for a webinar event Thursday, November 17 at 8:00 pm ET. Talking about climate change may not be easy, but it makes a difference. We each have a real influence on the people in our lives.
As we gather with family over mashed potatoes and gravy during the holidays, we may not always see eye to eye on climate. That doesn’t mean we can’t talk about it without getting in a food fight with Uncle Charlie. The republicEn team has prepared a fun-filled webinar to prepare you for those un-fun but important conversations.
Take a little stress out of the holidays! Will Uncle Charlie join the White House turkey on the official pardoning petition?
Afterward, the republicEn team invites our friends, members, allies, and fellow EcoRighters to join us for a virtual holiday social. We’re “Thankful” for the support we receive from our online community! We look forward to celebrating 10 years of republicEn with unscripted, unplanned conversation. BYOB (bring your own Bob). Register for this free event.
Curtis to focus on minerals at COP-27
Utah Rep. John Curtis, who as chair of the House Conservative Climate Caucus is part of the Republican delegation to the annual UN Framework Convention on Climate Change meeting (called a COP, in this case, COP27 because it’s the 27th such meeting), has indicated that he’d like to “see a more practical approach to bringing forth the critical minerals that we need in a new energy world…We can do it cleaner, more responsibly, here in the United States.” This is the second year in a row Curtis has been part of a delegation sponsored by the Conservative Climate Foundation, a private organization funded through EcoRight allies ClearPath and Citizens For Responsible Energy Solutions.
Next week, you will get an abbreviated version of Week En Review as I leave on Wednesday to visit my son in Germany. See you then!