Hello, happy Ides of October. (Is that a thing? I didn’t look it up.) Anyway, here we are in the middle of the month already, with Thanksgiving and Christmas within sight. By next week, I will be ready to start contemplating desserts for Turkey Day. (This time of year is my Super Bowl.)
This week’s must watch (again): Instead of a must read, we thought now would be a good time to offer you a refresher on Budget Reconciliation, which if you’re watching or listening to the news, you know is a hot topic. Back in February, we hosted a webinar on this topic featuring two EcoRight allies, Alex Flint and Joseph Majkut. You can watch the whole thing here.

EcoRight Speaks, season 3, episode 12: High Schoolers for Carbon Dividends
This week’s featured guests are two of the co-founders of High Schoolers for Carbon Dividends (HS4CD). You may have heard of Students for Carbon Dividends; they are close friends of ours and we have featured their co-founders on our show. HS4CD is their high school-focused counterpart. A student-led campaign created to amplify youth leadership on climate change, HS4CD advocates for the carbon dividends solution and is working to open the door to a bipartisan environmental breakthrough. They have over 700 co-founders from all 50 states and from across the political spectrum.
I couldn’t talk to all 700 of them, but I did speak to Roey Nornberg and Katherine Mezzalingua.
Katherine Mezzalingua is a senior at Manlius Pebble Hill in upstate, NY. In addition to being a co-founder and Vice President of HS4CD, she’s a Secretary-General for her school’s Model United Nations Conference, a President of Z-Club, a female empowerment club at her school, and a captain of the girls varsity soccer team.
Roey Nornberg is the Founding President and Executive Director of HS4CD. Since co-founding the organization in late 2019, Roey has overseen it’s growth from just a few student leaders to over 700 of the country’s top high schoolers from all 50 states. Originally from New York, Roey is currently a freshman at Columbia University studying political science.
They are the leadership of the future! I hope you will tune in.
Coming up next week, Steven Nesbit, President of the American Nuclear Society. We will talk about nuclear energy and all related topics!

On Biscayne Bay with Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar: A week ago today, our own Bob Inglis was on one of our signature events, a so-called field trip, with freshman lawmaker from Florida, Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar.
“The fish don’t vote,” she noted from the boat, explaining that she tells people that issues pertaining to the health of the bay are not political. “‘What happens on the land ends up in the Bay.’ Did you hear that? That’s what it’s about.”
Experts say that the pollution we produce on land has made its way into Biscayne Bay, endangering the flora and fauna that create the natural beauty we all enjoy. We must preserve our natural resources. The water, the environment, and our way of life are all connected. pic.twitter.com/VKy1NUb01l
— María Elvira Salazar 🇺🇸 (@MaElviraSalazar) October 9, 2021
To read Bob’s full reflection on the day, head over to our blog!

Welcome to our newest EcoRighter: Our dear Alex Bozmoski expanded his family and the EcoRight ranks with the arrival of Baby Pia. We offer our love and congratulations to Alex, Maria, big sister Penny, and Pia.
And that’s it for me! Go Red Sox!