Happy Friday and Happy Halloween! Spooky season is upon us and I hope that all your witches and spiders and animated characters I don’t recognize because I have older kids have a bountiful evening collecting treats (no tricks).
This week’s must read: Conservatives care about the climate, too. Philanthropy should stop ignoring them. (The Chronicle of Philanthropy) Our EcoRight pals (and season one podcast guests) Neil Chatterjee and Carlos Curbelo penned this op-ed, in which they write: “We applaud the Inflation Reduction Act’s historic investment of almost $370 billion in energy- and climate-related subsidies, grants, and loans. We also recognize that much remains to be done. Bipartisan climate action is necessary if the nation is serious about delivering a healthy and prosperous planet to future generations.”
“We propose that the highest-leverage opportunity for philanthropists committed to achieving emissions reductions is investing in what’s known as the “eco-right” — the field of climate-forward, conservative nonprofits that is uniquely positioned to push, pull, and guide Republicans to climate leadership and bipartisan policy wins.”

EcoRight Speaks, season 5, episode 12: Dr. Brandon Shuler
This week’s featured guest is someone our producer Price Atkinson has wanted to get on the show since season one. Dr. Brandon Shuler is a co-founder of the American Water Security Project (long-time listeners heard from his counterpart, Kirk Mantay, back in season one). Brandon, an old friend of Price’s, is dedicated to advancing solutions and funding for wastewater treatment improvements and seeks to understand and balance the interconnectedness of our natural habitats, our communities, and the symbiotic nature of our planet.
He addresses the stresses and challenges placed on wastewater treatment systems due to hurricanes and other climate-related flooding and sea level rise.
Coming soon: our 100th episode! November 8th, we will roll our our 100th episode of the EcoRight Speaks. Have a favorite episode? Shoot us a message or drop us a voice memo and we will integrate your messages into the show.
Coming up next week: for our 99th episode, I speak to Todd Myers, author of the book Time to Think Small: How Nimble Environmental Technologies Can Solve the Planet’s Biggest Problems, which will be published on November 1st (the day the podcast is dropped) and which is available for pre-order now. (Take it from this future author, pre-orders are GREAT for authors because it sends a signal to the publishing house that there is strong and early buzz about a book. So if it looks interesting to you, get it now!
This week’s must watch: A Carbon Tax, Explained
This short but sweet video by the Tax Foundation tells you basically everything you need to know about a revenue neutral carbon tax.
POLL: Where is your climate needle?
November 8, 2022, marks the Midterm Congressional Elections – less than two weeks away! 35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats are up for grabs.
We want the EcoRight to weigh in! Tell us, do you plan on voting, and if so, how much does climate change influence that vote?
Please take 30 seconds and answer these 3 quick questions.

October 27th marked Teddy Roosevelt’s 164th birthday. Doesn’t that make one feel old?
That’s it for me. Have a lovely weekend!