Wow… what a week. Is everyone else exhausted? Ready to go on a news diet? Before you tighten your belt, we share our community’s reactions to the Election… 

EcoRight Speaks, episode twenty-one: In a shift from our usual programming, we decided to bring you our raw reactions to Election Day (well, what we knew at time of recording at lunch on Wednesday, November 4th). So, without further ado, listen as I join our producer Price Atkinson and EcoRight King Alex Bozmoski in conversation. What did the election mean to the EcoRight and what we think happens from here.

Also, hear immediate election reactions from Spokespeople Tyler Gillette and John Sweeney.

We will continue this theme in next week’s episode when we talk about the prospects of climate change policy with Alex Flint, a Senate alum and head of the Alliance for Market Solutions.

Young voters come out in droves: We are pleased to have more than a few first time voters in our EcoRight community. Take a watch as Floridian Joey Jung talks about his voting experience on Fox 5 DC.

“The pandemic was a factor,” in how he voted, Joey says in the segment. “I hope this election will be a turning point.”

Watch the entire clip for more!

Help wanted: Check out employment opportunities with the Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

Citizens’ Climate Education is seeking candidates to help with conservative outreach in support of carbon pricing as a method to address climate change.  The new Conservative Outreach Coordinator will report to Jim Tolbert, the Conservative Outreach Director (a great way to prepare for a potential interview is to listen to his guest appearance on the EcoRight Speaks) and will help build the conservative support within their non-partisan organization.  

They are also looking for Conservative Outreach Fellows for 2021 so if you or someone you know is interested in this part-time opportunity, you should reach out to Jim

Quote of the week“Big business is going to really push Republicans to get in the game and sit at the table this time because the most important thing for corporate America is certainty,” former Florida Rep. Carlos Curbelo said about efforts around climate policy. “Even if they have to pay more, they want to know what to expect for the next decade or so when it comes to this issue.”

Readers, that’s it for us… and now that you’re done reading this, don’t forget to get outside or make something delicious or work on a jigsaw puzzle, anything to give your eyes a break from screen time!