Florida’s Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who co-founded the House Climate Solutions Caucus and helped spearhead last week’s reintroduction of a Republican-backed climate change resolution, has invited U.S. Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt to come to Florida to “see the effects of sea level rise firsthand.”

“The residents in my Congressional District are already beginning to feel the effects of climate change in their daily lives. I invite you to visit anytime so you can see firsthand the very real threat climate change poses on our community, from rising sea-levels, coral bleaching, to threatening our freshwater supplies,”Curbelo wrote in a letter. Curbelo expressed concern over Pruitt’s earlier comments questioning the impact carbon dioxide has on the Earth’s climate. “Your statements contradict the conclusions not only of our best scientists but of your own agency. I ask that you please reevaluate your comments.”

“Reasonable people can disagree about how to respond to the risks of climate change,” Curbelo wrote, adding that there should be “little disagreement” over the need to act.