Here’s what’s happening in the ecoright today:

And then there were two: Nicaragua, which initially declined to sign the 2015 Paris climate accord because it considered the terms too weak, now plans to sign the international agreement. The Central American nation and Syria were the only two countries to initially reject the international deal. President Trump has initiated the process to withdraw the United States from the deal.

EnCourage: Tonight the EnCourage Tour makes a stop in Syracuse, New York. Are you in the area? Be sure to join our fearless leader Bob Inglis, former Rep. Richard Hanna, Conservative Color Coalition chairman Joe Pinion and other ecoright leaders for a panel discussion.

Climate jester poses existential threat: Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt called climate change an “existential threat” while dismissing that we know enough to jump to action. “We know the climate’s always changing. We know that humans contribute to it in some way,” he said on Fox News. “To what degree, to measure that with precision is very difficult, but we don’t know is, are we in a situation where it’s an existential threat.” In the wake of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma Pruitt rejected as “insensitive” discussing linking climate change to increased storm activity and impacts. “Now isn’t the time to talk about climate change,” he said.

Catch Week En Review tomorrow where we summarize the best (and worst) of the week’s news.