How’s your Tuesday? Here’s some news to supplement your daily intake of vitamin eco-right.

Winter is coming: We thought Rep. Bob Inglis was the Jon Snow of climate change, but in this op-ed, Citizens Climate Lobby’s executive director bestows that title on Rep. Carlos Curbelo. “Like Jon Snow, he has seen firsthand the greater enemy that must be defeated. Instead of White Walkers, however, Curbelo has seen the ankle-deep sea water that floods his district in Miami during certain high tides. For him, it isn’t winter that’s coming — it’s the ocean,” Mark Reynolds writes.

Ayotte urges common ground: Former New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte, no stranger to harsh winters, says lawmakers need to put aside differences and find compromise on climate change and clean energy. “As I look at the environment discussion, often the experience in Washington has been that both sides often use it as political football rather than looking at common ground and where we can find pragmatic solutions,” Ayotte said. “There is a lot of discussion around climate policy where there are significant disagreements, but what about issues like modernizing the energy grid? It seems to me both Democrats and Republicans want to make sure we have a strong, modernized grid that also allows us to take advantage of all our energy resources including renewable resources.” Ayotte currently serves as a senior advisor to Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions.

Nerd crush: We adore, respect, praise to the nth degree the tireless work of climate scientist Dr. Katharine Hayhoe, who is frequently mentioned in these pages. Read this report on how her outreach to evangelicals is successfully changing climate minds.

Ed Board calls for Trump to heed warnings: The editorial board of the News and Observer in Raleigh, North Carolina calls on President Donald Trump to place the same faith in the generals on climate change—”a long-term threat to peace in the world and the security of the United States”—as he does their counsel on other national security matters.

Stay tuned for more news as the week slowly progresses toward Labor Day.