Happy Tuesday, Election Day for some lucky Americans. Exercise your civic duty if you live in one of those states taking to the polls today.

Today’s must watch: The Coming Storm of Climate Change:

Miami mayor makes push: Miami’s Republican Mayor Tomas Regalado produced a video urging residents of his city to support a measure to finance $400 million worth of projects to protect against the ravages of climate change. “We cannot control nature, but we can prepare the city so Miami can be forever,” Mayor Regalado said.

Speaking of Miami: Retiring Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen reflected on her 35-year public service career, noting that on climate change, “It used to be thought of that Hispanics did not care about climate change, but look, it’s Carlos Curbelo, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and [see above] Tomasito Regalado, I mean, we’re pretty Hispanic. I think we’re showing the world that those stereotypes are no longer valid.” Delegation mate Curbleo is a co-founder of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, of which she is also an active member.

EnCourage Tour update: Read this account of Bob’s trip to Utah on Friday, and this piece highlighting an upcoming whistle stop in Omaha, Nebraska, where another House Climate Solutions Caucus member Rep. Don Bacon, will join the conversation. “We want to keep making progress so our kids and grandkids do have a cleaner planet,” Bacon said about finding a climate solution.

Are you making news for the ecoright? If so, we want to report it! If not, what are you waiting for? Get out there!