Mike Castaldo, a Republican candidate seeking a seat in the New Hampshire State House, seeks “realistic solutions” to climate change “that support a free market and protect our natural resources.” In an opinion essay, Castaldo cites the “many examples of smart energy projects” in the Granite State, including towns transitioning to use of LED lightbulbs; a proposed wind project currently under consideration; and an energy saving plan in his hometown of Dover, which over ten years will save residents nearly $4 million. He points to economic gains the state could make with the increased need for more advanced skilled labor in the clean energy sector and New Hampshire’s legacy of people working together to “[ensure] that we leave our piece of the world a little better off for the next generation.”

Last year, Castaldo, who volunteers for Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions, quizzed the GOP presidential candidates who campaigned in the state on their climate change positions. “Most” of the candidates were “happy to engage in a thoughtful dialogue on the complex subject,” he reports.