I get gazillions of news alerts and newsletters—that’s partly how I uncover the EcoRight news I bring to our community. In this daily combing through articles, nothing makes me happier than seeing our spokespeople’s names in print.

It was with great joy this morning that I read Katko should lead Republicans who accept need to address climate change, a piece co-authored by former intern and republicEn superstar Ben Mutolo. “Republican legislators are clearly beginning to move beyond being the party of “no” when it comes to climate change and are actively considering policies that address the climate change issue while remaining true to their political principles,” he and his co-author, Rody Conway, chairman of the Syracuse University College Republicans, write. “According to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication, approximately 60% of Central New Yorkers are worried about global warming with strong majorities favoring various climate change policies. These findings suggest that for a Central New York politician, acting on the climate change issue would be the right thing to do not only from a policy standpoint but politically, as well.”

A big hand for Ben and Rody!

In a wonderful #latergram, we bring you Bob Inglis and his guest appearance on the Hill Country Institute Live podcast managed by our spokesperson Larry Linenschmidt, who hails from Texas and is spreading the word in the faith community about conservative climate action. They discuss how God has worked in Bob’s life and how his faith impacted both his time in the U.S. Congress, as well as his work now. Listen, there are a lot of portions of this 26-minute segment that I could quote. But let me just say that what surprised me most was a short anecdote Bob shares about his “barn cat” Sam, who makes his debut around the eight-minute mark.

And last, but not least, from Alaska, Kiera O’Brien weighs in on Earth Day from her family home.

Let these actions be a source of light during these dark times.