Every month, republicEn asks 3 Questions for the EcoRight to learn more about our community.

republicEn member Ashley Z. in New Mexico inspired our May poll. Ashley told us, “I tend to talk about climate change with my liberal friends, but not my conservative friends, even though I’m too conservative for my liberal friends, AND I consider conservation a conservative value. And that feels weird.”

republicEn.org ventured out to ask, “Are there other Ashleys out there?”

Poll answers are representative of republicEn members across 38 different states, the District of Columbia, and Ontario, Canada! California submitted the most poll responses, followed by Texas and Florida. The political leaning of poll takers: 47% lean right, 40% claim center, and 13% lean left. Here are shares from our republicEn members:

  • “I am a liaison to a Republican senator for Citizens’ Climate Lobby. I speak with his aides, his supporters, Chambers of Commerce. Rarely does someone try to shut me down these days, which is a relief!” – Alexandra A. in Montana

  • “I find that most of my conservative friends and family are comfortable about talking about climate change. They are especially comfortable when discussing specific data points and clean energy options. I only find the ‘shields’ going up when climate change as a broad concept is thrown out as a ‘buzzword.'” – Andrew S. in Indiana

  • I make big talk with anyone given any opportunity. Climate change is one of the issues which often comes up.” – David D. in Oregon

  • I don’t refer to climate change, but I discuss that it feels like it’s getting hotter or colder every year. I love nature and do what I can for the environment. I don’t join anyone’s ‘bandwagon.'” – Diane P. in Florida

  • “I long for forums that might require establishment and arbitration of fact, before allowing some discussion/debates to continue, so there were a sense that progress might be an inevitable given.” – Matt W. in Texas

  • “Some of my most difficult, and interesting, conversations are with lefty friends who are surprised by my affiliation with conservative climate initiatives. Often they didn’t know that conservative activists exist.” – Trudy H. in Colorado


I may be starting to sound like a broken record, but for our members (or anyone!) looking for information or resources on how to talk to others about climate change, republicEn has a webpage devoted to this topic: Tips for Talking About Climate Change. In fact, it was developed with the help of our members through a poll!

Thank you for being part of the EcoRight community!

—Angela and the republicEn team