Every month, republicEn usually asks 3 Questions for the EcoRight to learn more about our community. However, we know the holidays are a busy time, so we scaled back and only asked one, yet important question, in our December poll.

December’s poll was a suggestion from our republicEn.org member Robin P. in Whitefish, Montana. Robin is also an active member of Montana’s Citizens’ Climate Lobby Chapter.

Let’s keep this short and sweet. Here are the poll results:

Poll answers represent republicEn members across 35 states, plus the U.S. Virgin Islands.  For the 2nd poll in a row, California raked in the largest amount of answers, followed by Texas. Washington and Virginia tied for 3rd place. The political leaning of poll takers: 43% lean Right, 39% claim Center, 16% lean Left, and 2% are unsure or prefer not to say.

Here are shared thoughts and opinions from our members:

      • Other suggestions: “Climate smart forestry, increasing natural gas exports to coal burning nations (unpopular opinion, I know), nuclear research and permitting reform to make it easier to build nuclear, keeping existing nuclear open, silvopasture and other reforestation strategies.” – Topher A. in Indiana
      • “I think we should put more investment into rural communities which will not only help grow their economies, but also spread out the population and reduce pollution.” – David D. in Utah
      • Referring to a price on carbon pollution, “With the revenues divided between everybody. It’s so crazy it just might work.” – Elizabeth F. in California
      • “Seems to me we need a mix of all these efforts because all have good potential to help. I like the idea of a price on climate pollution but also think there is a danger that if we push that solution too far, it may impact lower-income Americans too much. ” – Dallas H. in Saint Croix
      • “Nuclear Energy is the best you can get. It is environmentally safe and friendly. It leaves no carbon footprint.” – Ruth M. in Iowa
      • “Incentivise markets to invest in continued technological improvement to make the use of fossil fuels cleaner and more efficient. Remove regulatory overburden and ESG to ensure that there are no long or short term energy shortage and zero increase in energy poverty. Pursue nuclear energy and reinvestment in the grid such that our energy supply is not subject to the ephemeral whimsy of wind and weather. A transition is necessary but it must come by the dictates of wisdom and not zealotry.” – Dan W. in Colorado
      • “Price on climate pollution is the MOST important action because it will reduce greenhouse gas emissions more quickly than the other solutions.” – Marjorie W. in Nebraska
      • “Evangelize Zinc Bromide, Aluminum Sulfur, and Sodium Sulfur battery technology. This will make electric trucks and many other things cost effective.” – Thor O. in Washington
      • “There are many different things we need to be doing at the same time. The IRA provided a great bunch of carrots. Given the oil and gas industry is spending around one billion dollars a year on false advertising about clean energy and climate change, we also need a big stick to push clean energy reform through.” – Mary M. in Montana
      • “There needs to be permitting reform but not necessarily to make it easier to get approval, but there needs to be a more rigorous schedule so permitting does not drag on forever. Get everyone to the table, make a decision, and move on. However, the permitting agencies need the resources so they can be fully involved in the process.” – David V. in Iowa