EcoRight News Blog

A compilation of news from the EcoRight. 

Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.

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Climate Week En Review: November 8, 2024

Climate Week En Review: November 8, 2024

I’m a little bit at a loss for words this week—and that doesn’t happen to me often. But I also know that the event leading to my loss of words means that our work is all the more important. We have to ensure that climate change is a top priority in our communities, states, and with our federal law makers. We do this by talking to people. By writing LTEs and op-eds. By organizing events and being a very squeaky wheel.

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POLL RESULTS: Election 2024

POLL RESULTS: Election 2024

We asked the EcoRight, "Will you vote in this election?" 99% answered "Yes," 0.5% answered "No," and 0.5% answered "Maybe."Every month, republicEn seeks to better understand conservatives who care...

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Climate Week En Review: October 4, 2024

Climate Week En Review: October 4, 2024

Our hearts are aching for those caught in the devastation of Hurricane Helene, which impacted members of our own team. While they, their families, and their homes are fine, being amid so much destruction takes a toll. Bob Inglis and Price Atkinson, we are thinking of you and I know our entire EcoRight community is wishing all those in the storm’s path a speedy rebuild.

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