EcoRight News Blog
A compilation of news from the EcoRight.
Come here for the latest climate news from lawmakers, thought leaders, and rising voices in the EcoRight. Federal, state, and local issues and events are covered, and we feature commentary from EcoRight allies.
Climate Week En Review: August 16, 2024
Where is the month going? It’s so crazy how January through April, each month felt like a year in and of itself, but since that point, we’ve been on fast forward. The end of summer always feels months away, but in one week, I leave for my annual August trip to Maine, where I hope to get some R&R! And, of course, lobster rolls.
EcoRight Speaks: Season Nine, Episode One, the author of Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics
Welcome back to our ninth season of the EcoRight Speaks! We are mixing it up with this premiere episode. As you may have guessed, I’m the guest! And our engagement director, Angela Larck, is the host, putting me in the hot seat!
Climate Week En Review: August 9, 2024
Hey! Guess what? I'm a published author! It's been a great launch week for Glacial: The Inside Story of Climate Politics. I've interviewed for some podcasts (you know I'll share them once they are...
Climate Week En Review: August 2, 2024
It's Heat Wave August, with heat advisories today covering about 150 million of us in the U.S. Easily my least favorite month of the year anyway—with the exception of the very last day, which is my...
Poll Results: Natural Gas – The Great Clean Energy Debate
We asked, “Do you see natural gas playing a role in a clean energy future for the United States?” From our Right-leaning pollees: 69% answered “Yes,” 23% answered “No,” and 8% answered “Unsure.” You can find full poll stats by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Climate Week En Review: July 26, 2024
Hello from the shores of Lake Placid! Actually, I'm closer to Saranac Lake, but the house I'm staying at this week in New York is a short drive from Lake Placid and I'm loving the coincidence of...
Climate Week En Review: July 19, 2024
Hey, hey, hey… we are MELTING in the DMV this week with multiple days past 100 degrees and nights that aren’t cooling off enough for my taste. It makes one miss the good old days of normal summer, sleeping with the windows open, and yes, I’m of the age that if we were thirsty and playing outside, we drank from the hose.
Climate Week En Review: July 12, 2024
Here comes the rain again… looks like a potentially soggy weekend for me, but I’m not sad about it. My garden has been a little crunchy with our lack of rain, so I will take it!
Climate Week En Review: July 3, 2024
Here we are with your abbreviated edition of Week En Review before everyone heads off for what I hope is a long weekend.
EcoRight Speaks: Season 8 Finale
Thank you so much to all our wonderful guests who came on the show to talk about their areas of expertise. We had all “new to us” guests this season, and I like to think we made a bunch of new friends, many whom we will have back in future seasons.
Climate Week En Review: June 28, 2024
Bye, June. Each day is getting shorter as we march to autumn (or so I keep telling myself). Still, it’s hard to believe next week is the Fourth of July! And since the team is taking both the holiday on Thursday and Friday off, you can look for Week En Review to hit your inboxes on Wednesday! Happy birthday, America!
EcoRight Speaks, Season 8, Episode 16: former fisherman, author, and ocean regenerative farmer Bren Smith
What a fun episode to round out our slate of guests this season. Bren Smith is a former fisherman, the co-founder of the non-profit GreenWave, which trains and supports ocean farmers in the era of...