Rep. Chris Gibson (R-NY-19), the lead sponsor and champion of the leading climate change resolution and member of the House Climate Solutions Caucus, expressed hope that in the wake of his retirement, others will assume the leadership mantle to work on the issue with the incoming administration. Gibson told E&E News that the election outcome has made it “all the more important that we reintroduce the resolution and we continue to build numbers, have the conversation and find common ground.” He identified Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL-26) as a good candidate to take the lead on the resolution in the next Congress.

“I’m a firm believer that if we as conservatives can get in this space about managing and safeguarding precious resources, then our ideas can be in the marketplace of ideas,” he said. “Right now, there’s a prevailing thought that any policy ideas on the environment have to come from the left. I don’t believe that.”

The so-called Gibson resolution, which has 14 Republican co-sponsors, calls on the House of Representatives to find a balanced solution to climate change.